SMALL TOWNS: Salvatorian Mission Warehouse continues important work in New Holstein
Mark and Deb Steiner hope to expand the warehouse to expand the mission
NEW HOLSTEIN, Wis. (WBAY) -- Every week inside a warehouse on Milwaukee Drive in New Holstein, you’ll find volunteers hard at work.
“Our group of volunteers is phenomenal,” explained Deb Steiner, assistant director at the Salvatorian Mission Warehouse. “I guess Wisconsin’s a very giving state. We’ve come to find out that if you ask, there’s usually people that will give.”
The task of the volunteers is to prepare donated food, clothing, and other donated items to help with missionary work in developing nations.
Founded in the early 1960s, the first shipment of donations was organized by the mission’s founder, Brother Regis. Today, they try and fill two shipment containers a month.
“We try to do 24 containers. They’re 40-foot containers. We try to do 24 a year,” Deb explained. “The most we send is to Ghana, Honduras. We also send to Guatemala, Mexico; we’ve sent to Ukraine, Tanzania.”
Deb took over the mission with her husband, Mark Steiner, roughly four years ago. The two were inspired by the idea of helping others in need.
“It just makes me feel good about helping people that need it,” Deb said. “How grateful they are for the littlest things we take for granted.”
“Help as many people as we can,” Mark added. “That’s the key to this.”
As the group continues to work, helping to provide food and clothing for those in different countries and in Northeast Wisconsin, Mark says space is becoming a challenge, something they hope a 35-square-foot expansion to their current building could help fix.
“We would keep the current warehouse that we have,” Mark explained. “It would just be an addition to what we have now to give us more room, because our facility is quite full right now, and as we grow we’re going to need more space to make that happen.”
As fundraising efforts begin for the project, the Steiners can’t help but feel grateful for the support the mission has and continues to receive.
“I just want people to know about it because there’s so many people that drive by it every day and have no idea what we do here,” Deb said. “We’re trying to get the word out that this is what we’re doing and we need your support if possible.”
Learn more about the Salvatorian Mission Warehouse from its website.
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