People’s needs above party politics
I want to apologize for my part in our current unraveling of our federal government. I failed to reach enough people in my 2024 campaign for U.S. House District 26, to explain to them about the real economic and budget problems we are facing, the dangers of the divisive hate and fear that my opponent (now our representative) was feeding, and the depth of the disinformation repeatedly and purposely spread. I did a lot, was endorsed by The Dallas Morning News and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, but the Republican machine was too strong and trusted.
Countries have lost faith in their friend, USA. They are scrambling to cover needs that we’ve abandoned. They’ve canceled $2 trillion in F-35 fighter contracts.
For now, we have a representative who thinks it’s OK to impeach a judge for doing his job. So entitled and selfish. His votes support the losses you will feel in your personal budget and your health access.
I’m hurt by all of the dismantling of our important institutions, built and protected by our forefathers and veterans for us. For a tax cut for billionaires?
The Environmental Protection Agency is necessary for clean air, water and healthy food. The Social Security Administration maintains our important social safety net.
We are losing big-time, directly and nationally on trust, credibility, partnerships, and not to the benefit of any of the voters in my district.
I’ll try harder for 2026.
Ernest Lineberger,
Tariffs lead to inflation
The purpose of Donald Trump’s tariffs is to increase prices to American consumers so that cheap imports will not take business away from American producers. Therefore, the tariffs will cause inflation.
When we impose tariffs, other countries will retaliate by imposing tariffs on goods we export to them. This will cause our exports to cost more to consumers in other countries, thereby reducing the amount of our exports that foreigners will buy. This will force management of our exporting companies to lay off workers and will cause a recession if the impact is great enough.
The above impacts are the reasons that free trade has been prevalent over the past 80 years. If each country produces what it is best at, everyone, with a few exceptions, will be better off. On the other hand, tariffs make nearly everyone worse off.
Because President Trump has been imposing tariffs and meeting with retaliation, investors are investing less. As a result, the stock market has dropped, causing working people and retirees to lose a substantial amount of their retirement funds.
It is unfortunate for all of us that Trump doesn’t understand simple economics.
Bob Michaelsen,
Gill’s grandstanding
I am deeply concerned about Congressman Brandon Gill’s recent actions and his refusal to engage meaningfully with the constituents he was elected to represent. Rather than focusing on real issues affecting our community, he has chosen to waste time on performative political stunts — most recently by introducing articles of impeachment against a judge who ruled against his preferred policies. This is not leadership; it’s grandstanding.
Even more troubling is his support for extreme immigration policies that directly harm the very communities that contribute to the economic and cultural fabric of Texas. Many of the families impacted by these policies are the same ones working in local businesses, attending our schools and strengthening our neighborhoods. Instead of finding solutions, Gill seems more interested in using these communities as political scapegoats.
Beyond his policy choices, Gill’s lack of accessibility to voters is alarming. He avoids public town halls, shields himself behind automated responses, and refuses to engage in real discussions with the people he represents. A congressman who hides from his constituents is not a congressman who serves them.
We deserve better. We deserve leadership that listens, that governs with integrity, and that prioritizes real solutions over partisan theater. I urge my fellow voters to pay close attention — because if Gill refuses to represent us, then it’s time we elect someone who will.
Christian Stewart,
Changing our nation
If you live in a country where the government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollar of debt is to spend trillions more — you live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If you live in a country where one political party supports unelected federal bureaucrats spending/wasting trillions of taxpayer dollar on far-left causes and you are OK with that — you are probably a Democrat and have TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).
If you live in a country where the government shuts down coal, oil and gas production while relying on solar and wind power to generate the nation’s ever-increasing electricity demands — you live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If you live in a country with open borders and tens of million of illegals were encouraged to invade your homeland, costing taxpayers billions of dollars yearly to feed, house, school, etc. — you live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If you live in a country that spends more money per student to educate them but those students rank 40th worldwide in learning — you live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
Thank God that President Trump is changing all this!
Alice Gore,
Their lies continue
There are glaring similarities between our state and federal governments and their leaders. Trump is an authoritarian who is violating the law and wants nothing more than to gain wealth and power. He wants federal judges who don’t agree with him to be impeached. This is unconstitutional. He is dismantling federal agencies and firing loyal government employees. U.S.-born citizens are being arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. More than a billion dollars in funding cuts threaten food banks and school meal programs. Republicans are lining the pockets of the rich at the expense of the average and disenfranchised.
Our governor is controlled by billionaires who want to dismantle public education and pass a voucher bill that would enable wealthy parents. Both leaders don’t care if kids go hungry or if there is funding for crucial agencies that provide health care to the poor. Due to lack of funding, schools in Texas are closing and rural hospitals are at risk of closing. State and federal officials want to exclude all those that they perceive as the “other” by eliminating DEI.
Both the president and governor are bullies who are motivated by power and wealth. Their lies continue. They are inflicting pain and harm upon millions. When will our congressmen, leaders and the American people put a stop to this?
Elaine Fannin,
A step backwards
The Trump administration’s proposal to reconsider the Environmental Protection Agency’s endangerment finding is reckless, anti-science and a huge step backward for climate action. This decision isn’t just about politics — it puts our health, environment and future on the line.
The endangerment finding, established in 2009, is based on clear scientific evidence that greenhouse gases harm public health and the planet. It’s been the legal backbone for policies that reduce emissions from cars, power plants and industry. Without it, we lose a key tool for fighting climate change — and that’s exactly what polluters want.
The reality is, climate change isn’t some distant threat. It’s here. We’re seeing record-breaking heat, wildfires, floods, droughts and hurricanes that devastate communities. Our state is not immune from these catastrophes and the Trump administration’s actions would reverse progress. Gutting this policy ignores science and common sense at a time when we need stronger action, not more rollbacks.
This also sends a terrible message to the rest of the world. While other countries are working toward clean energy solutions, the U.S. risks becoming a climate laggard instead of a leader.
We can’t let this happen. We need to push back against this dangerous move and demand real climate solutions. The health of our planet — and future generations — depends on it. The EPA should scrap its plan to undo this regulation and maintain the rules that are protecting all of us and the air and water we rely on.
Lyssa Mercier,
Climate changes
President Trump’s Secretary of Energy Chris Wright, formerly the CEO of Liberty Energy, the second largest gas well fracking company in the nation, dismisses climate change as a “side effect of building the modern world.”
We know the “side effects” of climate change — environmental disaster, economic hardship and death. Forty-two people lost their lives in the recent and unprecedented weather events of high winds and tornadoes. Twenty-nine lives were lost in the recent Los Angeles wildfires. Closer to home, we’ve had high winds and dust storms, wildfires in West Texas and the Panhandle, and tornadoes just north of us in Oklahoma. Those events were fueled by the atmosphere’s rising temperature caused primarily by the mining and use of fossil fuels: oil, natural gas and coal.
The modern world can be built without endangering our future. Clean and economical renewable energy from the sun, wind and hydro power don’t have the deadly “side effect” that Mr. Wright wants us to think is the inevitable product of progress.
Carol Soph,
Power is an idol
Much has been reported about Gateway church and their miscreant pastor; however, this is only the tip of the iceberg of the moral corruption of the evangelical churches. Both Old and New Testaments of the Bible warn extensively against false priests, prophets and teachers, who ignored violations of God’s laws. St. Paul warns, “For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.” (2 Timothy 4:3)
They hear of their goodness, prosperity and God’s love for them, not God’s laws. Jesus lambasted false clergy in Matthew 23:13-36, and later he was so incensed with them for allowing money changers in the temple that, for the only time, he was physically violent toward them.
Today we are rife with religious leaders who claim Christianity but ignore its truths. They are steeped in Bible stories and quotations used to control others, a form of witchcraft. Power is their real idol, which prompts them to pursue a man who promises them even greater power, Donald Trump, a lewd, lascivious, corrupt, self-aggrandizing, deceitful man, whose native language is lying. To suggest that such a man is God’s choice is blasphemy, making God appear filthy. As president, his hatreds and prejudices are given vent, and he creates division while destroying God’s gift, good government, of, by and for the people, replacing it with authoritarian rule.
Walter Lindrose,
Check, check, check
Trump’s authoritarian checklist:
1. Claim that any election loss of mine was rigged. — Check
2. Attempt a government take over via a populace insurrection. — Check
3. Always play the victim and claim any attacks on me are equally attacks on my supporters. — Check
4. Falsely claim the world’s going to hell in a hand basket and that only I can fix it. — Check
5. Define a minorities of color as criminals and promise massive deportations of same. — Check
6. Replace dedicated Americans in federal positions with my own unqualified sycophants. — Check
7. Use new authority as El Jefe to prosecute unfriendly law enforcement officers. — Check
8. Create national chaos to justify replacing the rule of law with a strongman kleptocracy. — Check
9. Align myself with other global autocrats. — Check
10. Use the specter of chaos to encourage my extremist elements to threaten and intimidate opponents. — Check
11. Declare my authority to annex friendly countries. — Check
12. Initiate efforts to suppress free speech. — Check
13. Initiate efforts to suppress the free press. — Check
14. Have oligarch pals define what is and isn’t government fraud and waste. — Check
15. Use disinformation to eliminate social welfare programs and redirect those funds into private for-profit accounts to enhance the wealth of self and aligned oligarchs. — In process
16. Conspire to carry out efforts to suppress future elections. — In process
17. If election suppression efforts fail, declare martial law and self as El Presidente for life. — TBA
Note to self: Success is achievable if enough people choose not to vote. Use Russian bots to influence voters and create energetic disinformation campaign
Larry Beck,
What do they fear?
I’ve been wondering, “What do they fear?” No, I don’t refer to those who are targets of the bullying of 47 and his sycophants. I refer to GOP-ers, like those in the current Texas Legislature.
Why do they support voter suppression legislation like Senate Bill 16? It would require Texans, both currently registered and future voters, to prove their citizenship before they could vote in local, state and national elections. Is it possible that all 20 GOP senators who endorsed SB 16 are afraid that high voter turnout would defeat their agenda?
Why did all 20 senators co-author SB 13? It mandates that all Texas public school districts have advisory councils, with parents as majority members, which would recommend books that should be added and removed from school libraries. SB 13 amounts to thinly veiled censorship and book banning, most of which are focused on LGBTQ+ titles and authors. Could it be that the senators fear those who are different from themselves and fear the learning of ideas differing from their own?
Why does the GOP support laws and bills banning diversity, equity and inclusion? Why don’t they see DEI as “equal opportunity for all”? Could it be they fear losing their long-held status of advantaged majority and the power and control it provides them?
And why are Republicans so unwaveringly loyal to the one whose bullying seems to have no limits? Could it be they fear him? I wonder.
Judy Giese,
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