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Delaware County church-related events: March 21, 2025, edition

Special events, classes, sales, dinners, food banks, bingo, trips and more activities associated with churches

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New entries

The Wooster Chorus: an ensemble of 50 student musicians from The College of Wooster, will perform at Wayne Presbyterian Church, 125 E Lancaster Ave., Wayne, on Wednesday, March 26, at 7 p.m. as part of the group’s 59th annual spring tour. Directed by Lisa Wong, the Olive Williams Kettering Professor of Music at Wooster, and assisted by pianist Toni Arnold Shreve, the award-winning Wooster Chorus proudly announces its 2025 tour program, “The Sound of Silence,” a compelling exploration of contemporary choral works.

Red Cup Raffle: at Middletown Church, 273 S. Old Middletown Road, on Saturday, March 29. Hundreds of items on over 20 tables will be available for bids in a fast-paced raffle event. Raffle tickets can be purchased at 10 cents each, and participants can place one or more tickets in the red cups for any desired items. If a participant’s number is drawn for an item, they win that item. Items available for bids will include household goods, toys, tools, sports equipment, baked goods, jewelry, plants, puzzles and more. Proceeds will provide supplies for a Rise Against Hunger meal packing event and cover Middletown Church operating expenses. For more information, email Don Heilala at

Red Cup Raffle Schedule:

• 5 to 6 p.m.: Purchase raffle tickets (10 cents each), place tickets in cups for desired items.

• 6 to 7 p.m.: Raffle drawing- items won will be delivered to participants’ seats.

• A snack bar will be available from 5-6:30 p.m.

Kids’ Stuff Consignment Spring/Summer Sale: at Norwood United Methodist Church, 315 Chester Pike, Norwood, on Friday, March 28 from noon to 8 p.m. and again Saturday, March 29 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Items will be half price the last hour on Saturday from noon to 1 p.m. All proceeds will benefit Little Blessings Christian Preschool. Gently used baby gear, maternity apparel, kids’ clothes in sizes infant through 18, shoes, toys, books, kids’ movies, furniture, sports equipment, and much more will be for sale. Consignors are wanted and welcome. For more information on consigning items, reach out to 610-565-0924 or

Previous entries

Join us for Lenten Lunches: on Thursdays at noon, looking at Amy Levine’s gospel of John. Come hungry. Lunch is provided. Havertown United Methodist Church, 200 Brookline Blvd., Havertown. For more information please contact the church office at 610-789-1700.

Soup Luncheon/Bake Sale Fundraiser: at Holmes Presbyterian Church. The Youth Group of Holmes Presbyterian Church, 375 Holmes Road, will hold its annual fundraiser on March 22 from 11:30-1:30 pm. Delicious homemade bowls of Loaded Baked Potato, French Onion, Chili, Chicken Noodle and Tomato Bisque soup will be served. The cost for a meal (bowl of soup, beverage, roll/crackers, and dessert) is $8.50. There will also be baked goods for sale. For questions or to pre-order soup for takeout, please call the church office 610-532-0346.

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church: Norwood, will host bingo, with lots of raffle baskets, 7 p.m. Saturday, March 22 at Milmont Fire Company Hall, 714 Belmont Ave., Ridley Township. Doors will open at 6 p.m. Cost is $35, which includes 10 rounds of bingo to win $100 gift cards to Target, Wawa, Amazon and other popular shopping venues. For tickets email or call 610-461-0490.

Robert Eric’s Billy Joel Tribute show: at St. Gabriel Parish, 233 Mohawk Ave., Norwood, on Saturday, March 29. Dinner will be served at 6 p.m., followed by the 7 p.m. show. Cost is $60, which includes dinner and show. Attendees are welcome to BYOB. For tickets or more information, call the rectory at 610-586-1225.

Annual craft and vendor event: at The Church of St. Joseph, 3255 Concord Road, Aston, is Saturday March 29 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Over 40 vendors and crafters will display home decor, pet accessories, baked goods, kitchen ware and more. For more information, contact

2025 pierogie sale: at Holy Myrrh-Bearers Church, 900 Fairview Road, Swarthmore, starts in February. Potato and cheese are $12 per dozen and sauerkraut $13 per dozen, if available. Sale dates are April 9 and 30; May 7 and 21; June 4 and 18; July 9 and 23; Aug. 6 and 20; Sept. 10 and 24; Oct. 8 and 22; Nov. 5 and 19; Dec. 3 and 17. Pickup times are Wednesday and Saturday of the sale week from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For orders over five dozen, you must pre-order. Large holiday orders must be placed at least two weeks before the sale date to guarantee availability. Also available most times are smoked Kielbasi rings, Holubki (stuffed cabbage), Halushki (buttered noodles with/without kielbasa), assorted nut rolls and various home-made soups available.  Availability of these items for order will be announced on the pierogie hotline, 610-544-1216.

Trip to Ireland: St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Springfield will host The Great Gaelic Getaway May 4-13, with visits to Kilkenny, Killarney, Leenane, Knock, Dublin and more. The trip will feature direct flights between Philadelphia International Airport and Dublin, Ireland. St. Francis of Assisi pastor, the Rev. Matt Tralies, and several other dynamic priests and tour guides, will lead this unique and once-in-a-lifetime 10-day journey through the Emerald Isle’s rich history, faith and culture, all within the safety and camaraderie of the travel group. For more details about prices for the trip and airfare, payment options or to request a brochure, contact Michael at Cloverdale Travel at 215-469-1505 or For complete itinerary, details and registration:

See the show “Noah” at the Sight & Sound Theater: in Lancaster on Wednesday, May 14. St. James Episcopal Church, 732 11th Ave., Prospect Park, will host a bus trip. The bus departs Prospect United Methodist Church, 800 Lincoln Ave, Prospect Park, at 10:15 a.m. and will return at about 7:15 p.m. The total cost is $170 for adults and $110 for children age 12 and under.  A deposit of $25 is due by March 5, with the balance due by March 30.The cost includes round-trip transportation, driver tip, lunch at Miller’s Smorgasbord and a show ticket. To reserve a seat or for more information, contact Carol Sides at 484-641-7545.

Standing entries

Mary Mother of Captives: is a support group for those coping with a loved one in prison. The group meets every second Thursday of the month in the St. Charles Borromeo Parish Hall, 3422 Dennison Ave., Drexel Hill, at 7 p.m. The next meeting will be on Thursday, April 10. For more information, contact John or Sue at 610-259-3178 or Attendees remain confidential.

Food pantry: at Bread of Life Assembly of God Church, 110 S. State Road, is opening a food pantry every second Saturday of the month to provide ongoing support to those in need. The pantry will be open from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Recognizing the challenges many local residents face in accessing nutritious food, Bread of Life is committed to making a meaningful impact by offering free grocery essentials to the community. The Food Pantry is open to anyone in  need, with no registration required. Community members, volunteers, and local partners are encouraged to participate, donate, and help spread the word. For more information, to volunteer, or to contribute food donations, contact Bread of Life at 610-449-1251.

Harry’s Hands to Help and Heal: Food pantry housed at First Presbyterian Church. Distribution on Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please contact Jen Babe at (610) 724-4230 regarding community events and services.

Food bank: of Church of the Overcomer, is open every Wednesday at 1016 Sunset St., Trainer, from 10 a.m. to noon. Produce and other items distributed weekly. You must bring your own bags. The Second Blessing Clothing Closet also available.

Upland Baptist Church: 325 Main St., Upland. Are you interested in learning more about the Bible? Would you like to learn with a group of people? Do you sometimes feel like other people know more than you do? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then Bible Study is for you. During our hour long Bible Studies, we will read and discuss Galatians, learning together. No previous knowledge is needed! Join us on Wednesdays at 10 a.m. in the Chapel to grow in your faith.

Stonybank Community Church: 35 Stoneybank Road, Glen Mills, has a food pantry. The pantry is open to the community every Wednesday from 4 to 6 p.m.

First United Methodist Church of Media: also known as First Church Media, 350 W. State St., Media, distributes food Thursday from 6 to 8 p.m. and Sunday from 1 to 2 p.m. The church’s Clothing Closet mainly takes private appointments, which can be scheduled by calling the church office at 610-566-3172. The Clothing Closet also has one monthly pop-up event that is open to the public. This date can be found at or on the Clothing Closet of First Church Media facebook page.

Concord Liberty Presbyterian Church: 256 Bethel Road, Glen MIlls will continue the monthly “first fruits” collection the first Sunday of each month.

Prospect Hill Baptist Church: and Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry 703 Lincoln Ave., Prospect Park. Sunday worship, in-person and online, 11 a.m., Visit us on Facebook: @prospecthillbc. The pantry serves residents of Delaware County with meat, dairy, fresh produce, and canned goods. Hours: Tuesdays 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.; 4 to 7 p.m. Thursdays 1 – 4 p.m. More info on Facebook at delcoloavesandfishes and; 610- 532-9000

The Foundry Church: 25 Cedar Road, Wallingford, new hours, Tuesday 6-8 p.m. We offer fresh and frozen food, canned and dry goods. Visit www.the foundry or arts programs studio4:10 Facebook page. Our pantry number is 610-872-3344

Middletown Presbyterian Church: 273 South Old Middletown Road, Media. Just GRIT, Fridays, 7-9 p.m., teen activities. Bible study with pizza. Adult Bible Study, Wednesdays, 9:30-11 a.m.

Temple Baptist Church: 736 W. Seventh St., Chester, will now have afternoon Bible study on Wednesdays from noon-1 p.m. Come out and share the joy of God’s love to his people.

The Christian Church of Chester: 308 W. Third St., Chester cafe will be open on Tuesdays from 6-7 p.m. Enjoy a free hot meal. Zumba is held every Wednesday at 6 p.m. Come for the fellowship and get fit for free. In the instance of inclement weather, contact the church at 610- 874-9690 or check our social media pages to see whether an activity has been delayed, canceled or rescheduled.

The Healing Rooms of Delaware County: A multi-church ministry with the goal of connecting people to God’s love and power. Location is New Hope Christian Church, 551 Paxon Hollow Road, Broomall. 484-422-8145. Hours of operation: Monday, 7:30-9 p.m. No appointment necessary. Facility is wheelchair accessible.

Turning Point Ministries: 624 E. Eighth St., Chester, is collecting food as part of its endeavor to continually build up the city. Congregants are willing to pick up any and all donated nonperishable items that can be stored in the church’s pantry until the time comes to serve. The pantry is open the first and third Wednesdays of every month. For information and to set up donations, call LeeVetta Smith at 267-475-7087 or email

Collenbrook United Church: 5290 Township Line Road, Drexel Hill, has returned to offering free community meals on the last Saturday of every month from noon to 2 p.m. The in-person meals provide home cooked meals and fellowship. Everyone is welcome. For more information, call 610-789-9590 or email

The Legion of Mary: is a Catholic organization of men and women, who work with the Blessed Mother and Holy Spirit to spread the good news of Jesus Christ, our savior, to the world in various locations and manners. Consider attending a meeting to deepen your faith and invite others to do the same. You do not need to be a parishioner at the following parishes to join their Legion group. You do need to be a practicing Catholic.

The goal of membership is achieving sainthood and bringing others to achieve the same goal.

Listed below are parishes with Legion of Mary assemblies, day of meeting and contact email:

• St. Francis of Assisi, Springfield, Monday 1:30 p.m.: Gus at

• St. Gabriel, Norwood, Wednesday 9:30 a.m.: Suzanne at

• St. George, Glenolden, Monday 6:30 p.m.: Gloria at

• St. Joseph, Collingdale, Tuesday 6:30 p.m.: Chris at

• St. Madeline, Ridley Park, Wednesday 1 p.m.: Mary at

• St. Mary Magdalen, Media, Tuesday 9:30 a.m.: James at

• Nativity BVM, Media, Sunday 11 a.m.: John at

• St. Rose of Lima, Eddystone, Thursday 11 a.m.:Jeanne at

• St. Thomas, the Apostle, Glen Mills, Monday 10:30 a.m.: Loretta at

• St. John Fisher, Boothwyn, Sunday 10:30 a.m.: Sue at

• Annunciation BVM, Havertown, Tuesday 7 p.m.: Mike at

• St. Denis, Havertown, Tuesday 6:15 p.m.: Barbara at

• Sacred Heart, Havertown, Tuesday 1 p.m.: Joe at

• St. Pius X, Havertown, Monday 7 p.m.: Concetta at

• St. Charles Borromeo, Drexel Hill, Tuesday 7 p.m.: Alice at

• St. Philomena, Lansdowne. Thursday 7 p.m. Liz at