Washington Evening Journal
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Washington education
Mar. 20, 2025 12:01 pm
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Central Administration Building: 404 W. Main St. 319-653-6543
High School: 1111 South B Ave.
Middle School: 313 South Fourth Ave.
Lincoln Elementary (3-5): 606 South Fourth Ave.
Stewart Elementary (K2): 821 North Fourth Ave.
The Washington Community School District covers a 208-square-mile area in the center of Washington County and a small portion of Jefferson County; including the cities of Washington and Brighton. It is a Class 3A school in the Southeast Conference.
The school has an enrollment of 1,648 students and 323 employees — including teachers, secretaries, bus drivers, cooks, custodians, aides and administrators. There are 161 certified staff within the four schools, 55 of whom have a master’s degree or higher education. The district maintains fleet of 17 buses transporting approximately 700 students per day.
The schools have daily on-site food preparation in each attendance center with a breakfast program, salad bar and a la carte items offered. The schools have also been undergoing major renovations, with tuck-pointing and radon mitigation projects at several buildings in the last year, as well as major construction at the high school.
The district is the largest in the county, and offers students the benefits of a larger school with the quality of life of a small town.
The Washington school board meets at 7 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month, usually at the district’s central administration building unless otherwise posted. Once per year, the group meets instead at the Brighton Community Building.
President Mike Liska, At-Large. mliska@washington.k12.ia.us
Kara Williams, District 1. kwilliam@washington.k12.ia.us
James Almelien, District 2. Jalmelie@washington.k12.ia.us
Troy Suchan, District 3. tsuchan@washington.k12.ia.us
Diana Rich, District 4. drich@washington.k12.ia.us
Mindi Rees, District 5. mrees@washington.k12.ia.us
Brendan DeLong, At-large. bdelong@washington.k12.ia.us
Superintendent Willie Stone, wstone@washington.k12.ia.us
602 W. Second St. 319-653-4504
St. James School has a long-standing tradition of providing a well-rounded education in a Catholic setting for over 150 years. The first St. James School building was erected in 1866, just west of the present structure, and the original structure remains at that location today as a private residence. A convent/school housing grades 1-12 was built in 1901 on the site, which currently serves as the south parking lot.
The present school was dedicated in 1957 with four religious sisters teaching grades 1-8. The current staff continues to maintain the tradition of providing high quality academic programming while guiding students in grades preschool through fifth as they develop into lifelong learners of their Christian faith.
The St. James school board holds a public meeting every third Wednesday of the month in the Parish Conference Room at 6:30 p.m.
President Dan Berdo, danberdo@gmail.com
Vice President John Greiner john@katsgrain.com
Doug McBride, douglasjmcbride88@gmail.com
Darren Beuchle, darrenceuchle@hotmail.com
Member Deana, DeLong deanabobina701@gmail.com
Mindy Redlinger, mindy.redlinger@gmail.com
Rebecca Vittetoe, new member
2192 Lexington Blvd.
Kirkwood’s Washington County Regional Center offers all the services of a community college, right in your backyard. Complete a college degree with liberal arts and science transfer courses, earn college credit while in high school through industry-focused Career Academies, earn a high school equivalency diploma, learn English language skills, simply take continuing education classes and more.
Tera Pickens, Director 319-653-4655 x2203. tera.pickens@kirkwood.edu
Jamie Foster, Center Coordinator, 319-653-4655 x2201. jamie.foster@kirkwood.edu
Ryan Ronan, Student Academic Support Coordinator 319-653-4655 x2208. ryan.ronan@kirkwood.edu
Monie Hayes, Adult Literacy Coordinator/ELL Coordinator, 319-653-4655 Ext. 2204. monie.hayes@kirkwood.edu
Bridgett Arreola, Center Assistant, 319-653-4655 Ext. 2209. bridgett.arreola@kirkwood.edu
Julie Messer, Office Assistant, 319-653-4655 Ext. 5044. julie.messer@kirkwood.edu