
Trinity Lutheran to serve meal next week

TRUMAN — Spring has sprung today. Truman will be having a community garden this summer. The raised plots are located behind the school. If you want to raise vegetables and would like to reserve one or more spaces, please contact Pat Jones at (507) 236-4433. The produce you raise will be for your use. You’re welcome to sell your produce at the farmer’s market. We are offering you free seeds for your raised garden plot. If you would like assistance, we also have help available from our local county extension office. This is a good project for youth, a family, or a 4-H project.

St. Paul’s Ev. Lutheran Church will have a 10 a.m. Chapel and a 6 p.m. Lenten Service on Wednesday.

The Trinity Lutheran Church youth will serve chili, grilled cheese or peanut butter sandwiches, tater tots, and ice cream from 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. Wednesday for a free-will donation. The Lenten worship service will begin at 6:30 p.m.

The GIFT kids at Trinity are raising money to help with swimming pool expenses. They encourage everyone–individuals and businesses to help them. The deadline has been extended to May 7 due to weather cancellations and spring break, which prohibited them from meeting. Contributions can be dropped off at City Hall or the school office. Everyone is welcome to stop at Trinity with a donation from 2:30 to 5 p.m. on April 2 and 16 or May 7.

The Lutz Cancer Center located at the Mayo Clinic Health System in Fairmont provides a monthly support group for patients from any community who received a cancer diagnosis at any point in their life. The support group offers compassionate, cancer-related education and support provided by guest speakers in key roles. Attendees may share experiences and learn about coping with the challenges of cancer. Caregivers are welcome to attend. For dates, contact the Fairmont Mayo Clinic at (507) 238-8100.

The Red Rock Center for the Arts has announced two post-secondary arts scholarships valued at $1000 and $500. The scholarships will support the arts and foster the development of future artists, makers, and creators within our community through continued education. Applications are open to all high school seniors and returning college students in Martin County. Eligibility extends to various fields, including design, art education, theatre, and music instruction. For more information and to access the application, visit https://www.redrockcenter.org/post-secondary-scholarships.

Happy birthday to Audrey Becker on March 24. Birthday cards can be sent to Audrey at 2273 210th Avenue, Truman Minn. 56088.

Happy birthday to Sherry Breitbarth on March 30. Birthday cards can be sent to Sherry at 221 North 1st Avenue West, Truman Minn. 56088.

The American Red Cross blood drives will be on April 9 at Truman High School and April 14 at Martin Luther High School in Northrop. To make an appointment, call (800) RED-CROSS (800-733-2767), go online to www.redcrossblood.org, enter ‘TRUMANHSMN’ or text ‘BLOODAPP’ to ‘90999’.


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