Send event information by email to downriverlife@thenewsherald.com. List the time, date, location, cost and contact information. Submit announcements at least two weeks prior to the event.
Events added this week
Springtime Craft Show & Rummage Sale: At on Community of Christ, 14601 Pennsylvania Road, Riverview, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. On April 5. Bring your kids for photos with the Easter bunny from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Craft vendors, bake sale, lunch cafe.
48th Annual Feast of St. Joseph Celebration: The Downriver Italian American Club will host the event on Sunday, March 23, at the Wyandotte Copeland Center, 2306 Fourth Street. The festivities begin at 2 p.m. and guests will be served a traditional Sicilian pasta and bean dish, accompanied by an orange and a bread roll.The meal will be blessed by a Catholic priest. A suggested donation of $20 per person will be accepted at the door, with all proceeds directly benefiting charities that assist children and families in need within the community. To ensure accurate food preparation, call ahead by contacting Leslie Lupo, president of the Downriver Italian American Club, at 734-282-2157.
Annual Lenten Dinners at St. Andre Bessette: The Dinners are served every Friday (March 28; April 4, 11), and Good Friday, April 18 from 2:30 p.m. until 7 p.m. or sold out. Dine in or carryout. Adult and children’s (1/2 of Adult Portion) Dinners: Shrimp, salmon patties, baked or fried cod, homemade macaroni & cheese and grilled cheese sandwiches on deli bread. Cost TBD. Dinners include a choice of one (1) of the following items with the main course: Baked Potato, French Fries, or Homemade Macaroni & Cheese. Also included will be Coleslaw and Bread & Butter. Call 313-482-9753 ext. 17 or 734-288-7996 (if busy keep trying) after 9 a.m., on Fridays during Lent (including Good Friday) to pre-order your Dine-In meal or Carry-out. You may also come into the Parish Center (Front Doors) during Lenten Dinner hours to place a dine in or carryout order. If you have a dietary restriction please contact 734-288-7996 and we will do our best to accommodate, so you and/or your family may enjoy our delicious Lenten Dinners. St Andre Bessette Parish Center is located at 4250 W. Jefferson Ave., Ecorse. (In the rear parking lot behind the church).
Spring Craft Fair & Bake Sale: At St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, 1325 Champaign, Lincoln Park, on Saturday, April 5, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The crafters and vendors from southeast Michigan will offer items for your family and home, seasonal decor and gifts for Easter and Mothers’ Day. The women of St. Michael’s offer baked goods as well as snacks and lunches for purchase. A tin can raffle will be held for items donated by the crafters and vendors. There is no admission charge. However, attendees bringing food items for our blessing box will receive a free raffle ticket. All floors are accessible by elevator. Tables are still available. For more information, contact Claudia Horne at ckhorne5483@sbcglobal.net
Children’s Easter Basket Sale: Our Lady of the Scapular Parish Hall, 2609 10th St., Wyandotte. Buy one for someone special or ALMSGIVING, sponsor a child/children in need with an Easter Basket. All sponsored baskets go to MiMi’s Mission who strives to help those in need. Baskets available on Fridays of Lent, from 2-6 p.m. Cost, $10. To sponsor online, ourladyofthescapular.org. For more information, call 734-284-9135.
Lenten Dinners at Our Lady of the Scapular Parish Hall: 2609 10th St., Wyandotte. Every Friday in Lent (2-6 p.m.) and Good Friday (1-6 p.m.). Featuring cod & shrimp dinners, $10-$14. Soup, Polish Dill Pickle prepared by Fr. Mark Borkowski, $3. Potato Pancakes, $5. Pierogi, potato cheddar or sweet cheese, $1. For more information, call 734-284-9135 or visit ourladyofthescapular.org
Ongoing events
Rockwood Pantry: At Rockwood First Congregational Church, 22600 Mather Street Rockwood. The pantry is open on the last Thursday of every month from 4-6 pm. (No longer open on Mondays). We help those who are in need of food products, personal hygiene items, cleaning products as well as gently used clothing. For local assistance, participation opportunities or needed donations, call 734-379-3711 or checkout our website at fccrockwood.org
Sewing for Jesus: Come join us and help make dresses for girls in need worldwide. Even if you do not sew, you can come and cut bias tape that is sewn around the armhole of the dresses. We meet at Evangel Baptist Church, 16994 Telegraph, Taylor, MI on Mondays from 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Even if you can only come for a couple hours, we would love to see you. We also greatly appreciate donations of 100% cotton fabric, double wide bias tape, thread, lace and trim and monetary donations. For any questions, email Bev Breece at Kbreece7@aol.com
Sunday Church Service: First Congregational Church, 26250 E. Huron River Drive, Flat Rock at 10 a.m. Sunday School at 11:30 a.m., for adults and children. Community Meal (soup kitchen) every Wednesday of the Month. Doors open at 5 p.m. Meal served at 5:30 p.m. At the end of the meal toilet paper is given out (while supplies last). For more information, call 734-782-9444.
Crafters Welcome: Crafters meet every Thursday from 10-11:45 a.m. in the social hall of St. Cyprian Catholic Church on Pennsylvania Rd, Riverview. We knit, crochet and sew a variety of items such as hats and scarves for all ages, baby items, lap blankets, quilts, stuffed toys, dishcloths, and adult bibs just to name a few to donate to local groups who support those in need such at our veterans, soup kitchen clients, a local hospice and the homeless.
Mental Illness Support Group: For relatives and friends of the mentally Ill in the Downriver area meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church of Dearborn, 600 N. Brady, in Mitchell Hall. Another support group meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital’s Rehabilitation Bldg. on the 2nd floor, room 232. Wear a mask and enter the hospital at the main entrance for a COVID-19 check. Then you will follow the letter A on the wall signs and take the Allen elevators to the 2nd floor. From the elevator exit, turn left and immediately right to follow the hallway to room 232. For information, call 313- 292-3324.
Community Meals at Southpoint Church: Free to go hot meal for those in need on the fourth Tuesday of each month, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at Southpoint Church 5699 Fort St., Trenton.
Sunday School: St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church Youth, 2803 1st Street, Wyandotte, is hosting Sunday school for children grades pre-k through fifth every Sunday at 10 a.m. The Youth Group meets once a month for a community service project and Bible lesson for grades sixth through 12th. Face Masks are required until further notice in the St. Stephen’s building. For more information, call 734-284-8777 or email ststepyouth@gmail.com.
Downriver Women’s Social Group: Join some women at Rockwood First Congregational Church, 22600 Mather Street, on Thursdays,10 a.m. until roughly 1 p.m. for conversation and friendship. Some ring crafts to work on or board/card games to play. Some arrive late or leave early, some bring a sack lunch and eat together. No dues; No church affiliation required. We wear masks and come in through the side door. For more information, call Emily Dye at 248-478-3412.
Holy Hours with Exposition with Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, and Benediction: Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus on the second Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. before the 7 p.m. Mass at Our Lady of the Scapular at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Tenth Street and Superior Blvd., Wyandotte. Everyone is invited, not just Knights.
Food Pantry: Every Thursday DownRiver Church hosts an emergency food pantry for a one-day food supplement for individuals and families living in the DownRiver Communities. The pantry is open every Thursday between the hours of 10 a.m. and noon. Participants must bring their drivers license or state issued id to participate. DownRiver Church is located at 14400 Beech Daly, Taylor. For information, call the church office at 734-442-6100.
DownRiver Church Worship Service: Sundays at 10:30 a.m. DownRiver Church is located at 14400 Beech Daly (between Northline and Eureka) in Taylor. For questions email: office@drumc.org or call 734-442-6100.
Our Lady of the Scapular Parish: Masses are Saturday at 5 p.m. (livestreamed on Facebook and available on YouTube), Sunday at 9 a.m. (Polish/English) and 11 am (English). Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday Masses are at 7 p.m. Friday Mass is at 1noon except First Friday when it is at 7 p.m. The church is located at 976 Pope John Paul II Ave., Wyandotte. For more information, visit OurLadyoftheScapular.org or call 734-284-9135.
Celebrate Recovery: Celebrate Recovery is a 12-step, Biblical balanced recovery program that help people overcome hurts, hang-ups and habits; it is a Christ-centered program that uses Jesus’ teachings to assist individuals to break from painful life issues and addictive behaviors in a safe, anonymous and confidential environment; the program is offered at 6 p.m. every Tuesday at Kirby Church, 2773 Will Carleton Road, Flat Rock; for more information, call 734-789-1260.
Christian Business Men’s Connection: Luncheon that meets the third Monday of every month from noon to 1 p.m. at Ramsey’s, in Trenton, 2747 Jefferson just north of West Road. Lunch, guest speakers, open discussions, non-denominational. Lunch is free for first time attendees. For more information, call John at 734-692-1421 or Milton at 734-675-8999.
Recharge: First United Methodist Church of Flat Rock, 28400 Evergreen, hosts Recharge at 6:30 p.m. the first, second and fourth Wednesdays and includes songs and a short uplifting message and a time of prayer; the evening is meant to help jump-start the rest of the week. For more information, 734-782-2565.
Service Times: Spirit of Truth Family Church holds its Sunday service at 11:30 a.m. at 3744 Carleton-Rockwood Road, South Rockwood, and at 6:30 p.m. Sundays and Wednesdays at 22144 North Huron River Drive, Rockwood.