The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Full Bio


Trump Must Reveal These Cover-Ups After the JFK Files

The Trump administration is releasing the JFK Files. But it can’t stop there! Glenn reviews the other government secrets that must be revealed. Of course, we’re still waiting on the DOJ to release the Epstein List. There’s also the information on Diddy’s alleged clients. How could these 2 men have been jailed, but none of their clients have been looked into?! Who were they working for? What about Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi scandal or the Sandy Berger scandal? Who tried to cover up the Hunter Biden laptop scandal? Who placed the pipe bombs at the Capitol on January 6th? Who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines? Are UFOs real? What is the Pentagon hiding? The American people have demanded an era of radical transparency. So, Glenn asks Donald Trump to make it happen!


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So I'm -- you know, the JFK files are coming out today. I would love to hear your opinion. 888-727-BECK.

What are we going to find there?

I don't think we're going to find a who. We're going to find a system. If we find anything. And if we don't find anything. It was a big mistake to start with this. For the Trump administration. I mean,, you know, you should start with something that we have something on. Or people are just -- it's just going to make the conspiracy theory even bigger. See, I told you, they didn't release everything.

But we were talking about the other things that need to be released. Like Sandy Berger. Apparently, we do know what the documents were. We do know why what happened afterwards, happened. Right?

STU: Again, if you believe these stories. My understanding of this. Is copies of the report, of the Clinton administration's handling of -- you know -- remember the millennium bomb. Was it LAX, firm it right?

GLENN: Oh. The millennium bombing.

STU: That's what I'm remembering.

GLENN: I was thinking about the Atlanta bombing.

STU: That was '90s. Yeah. I think -- by the way, came across the Canadian border. I'm looking for -- to blow up the LAK. They responded.

It was their response. How they handle it had. How seriously they took the threat of al-Qaeda at the time. And the theory is that, they were trying to avoid embarrassment for how badly they handled that and the aftermath before 9/11, because he was about to testify in front of the 9/11 commission.

I guess that's possible. I mean, the other thing is, they were copies of this document. So there is an original.

Like, so why would -- why would you risk this incriminating.

GLENN: That's a good example of, I -- so if that's all true about Sandy Berger. I want to know why he got three years.

STU: Three years.

GLENN: One year without his -- no wait. Three years of suspended.

STU: Two years probation. 50,000-dollar fine.

GLENN: Right. If you would have done that. I would have done that, we would have gone to prison for a very, very long time.

STU: I would think so.

GLENN: So I would like to know, again, the thing on that one, if there's nothing with the papers. Who made that happen?

And why didn't that person get prosecuted.

I think some of the these things, they're not going to be so shocking, with what they come out with.

I think what's going to be interesting is -- and important, is who covered this up?

Who covered up somebody doing something item, illegal, but not necessarily wholly nefarious.

You know what I mean?

And then, you know, somebody stepped up, and said, let's make this go away. That can't happen.

That's what's causing so many of our problems.

People are like, I would have gone to jail for that. Why didn't he?

And even if it's just something simple, because he had a good friend up above that could make that go away for him. And that's the only nefarious thing is just connections.

That's enough.

And those people need to go to jail. Let me give you some other stuff. Okay. So you have Sandy Berger.

The Hillary Clinton/Benghazi stuff. You know, it does matter, Hillary. It does!

What the hell was happening in Benghazi?

You know, the ambassador, Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods. Glen Doherty. What happened to those guys? Why were they even in Benghazi?

My theory, they were running guns. Or the ambassador was trying to stop the gunrunning, or continue the gunrunning. To, you know, Lindsey Graham's favorite, and John McCain's favorite group, which is now in charge of Syria and killing all the Christians. By the way, I just want you to know that.

The House spent $7 million. Found no smoking gun. Of course, Clinton, you know -- what's weird is all of her, you know, hard drives just kind of disappeared.

Why -- why was she saying immediately that this was a 9/11 video, when it wasn't?

30,000 deleted messages. That's a sideshow.

I mean, just -- what happened there?

We need to know.

Why where the state department's logs. Clubbed. Cables scrubbed.

Realtime decisions scrubbed. Why wouldn't you let the Navy fly the ship? First, they said, we didn't have any planes there. And then the Naval officers were like, I can't take it anymore. Yes, we could have done something. They told us not to.

Then you have the Biden family corruption.

Hunter's laptop. You know, I want to know. So you don't go after Hunter Biden.

I want to know who in the FBI was in charge of that laptop, making sure that nobody knew about that laptop. I want to know all of the people that were involved in saying, oh, you know what, that's just a conspiracy theory.

I want those people to go to jail.


$83,000 a month, for Hunter. No energy experience.

What happened to that?

How come there were -- I know that there were people in the State Department, if I'm not mistaken, that came and said to the White House and Joe Biden, this is a problem.

This is a problem. Well, if it's a problem then, it's a problem now. And are we ever going to correct it?

And it's not about going after Biden or whatever. It's about making sure this system works.

Because if you can't trust it, I mean, all of that stuff, Jeffrey Epstein.

He hangs himself with a paper sheet. Okay.

Conveniently when one camera goes down, and it's the one camera on his cell. Oh. And what were they sleeping?

Oh, was it -- the two guards that were supposed -- all of a sudden, they fell asleep.

Okay. Could be. Could be.

Or, is it because, I mean, the flight logs, from the Lolita Express show Bill Clinton 26 times on that plane. Twenty -- Trump, once.

Prince Andrew, dozens.

The -- the lawsuit against Maxwell, unsealed bits of it in 2024. But they don't detail anything.

Why is this still being held?

Now, I'm fine. But I haven't heard Pam Bondi say, we're not discussing this. Because there's an investigation going. And charges are pending.

That would make me happy. But that's not what they're saying. Why?

See, this is -- this is why I think the most likely thing is, it's just going to show us today, these JFK files. It's just going to show us, just a failed system.

That's what it's going to show us. A failed system.

And there's nothing that they really -- were hiding, except their mass incompetence.

Because, I mean, you could look at all of these things and say, it was mass incompetence.

I don't believe it was. I know something happened with Benghazi.

I don't know about 9/11, you know, Sandy Berger stuff.

I don't know about that. And that involved Clinton. And I believe George H.W. Bush.

Maybe it was just. I heard at the time. It was just Bush and Clinton.

I don't know. But who made that go away?

Where are the tapes and the photos and all the names from Epstein? Who was Epstein really collecting all of this stuff?

Who was he doing it for?

P. Diddy.

What's happening with Diddy.

Arrested September 2024. Sex trafficking.

Racketeering. Freakoffs. Coerced women.

Drugs. Recordings.

Children. It's pretty ugly.

Why -- why didn't we know about that know. Why is nothing happening. Isn't he in Yale?

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: So how is it that Epstein and see Diddy can go to jail. But no one else can go to jail.

There's no one else involved in that. What about the people who were buying the children. Or were part of the -- what happened?

STU: I mean, Ghislaine Maxwell. She did.

GLENN: But she was just recruiting the kids.

STU: She was very heavily involved.

GLENN: I know. She was recruiting the kids. But where are the buyers?

It's like slavery is wrong. And we will get all those slave traders. But nobody looks at the buyers. The ones actually that bought all the slaves. And were whipping the slaves the whole time.

You're like, you know, the there's one party we're missing here.

Why aren't we doing that?

I don't know. You know, the seized footage. That should be out.

Who is holding?

Who is holding those things back?

And it could be a very good reason. Because charges are pending.

But do you believe that?

Because I don't. I don't. I hope. But I don't believe that.

I want to believe that. The Nord Stream pipeline. You had the president of the United States come out and say, it will be no more.

You know what will stop this? The Nord Stream pipeline will be no more. Mr. President, what do you mean by that? Trust me, we have our ways. There won't be a Nord Stream pipeline.

Then it's blown up underwater in an operation, that really everyone -- every expert in the world says only the United States could have done that.

And we're -- we're expected to believe that it was, what?

A husband and wife on a rented yacht, that got on their scuba gear and set up this elaborate explosion and got away with it. Come on!

Please. You know, and another thing that needs to be exposed, because these things have consequences.

January 6th. The pipe bomber. The FBI, that was on the grounds of January 6th.

Why -- how was that coordinated?

And if it was, you know, if it was the -- if it was the Trump campaign, and Glenn Beck was the president of it. Then that should be known.

And I should have a trial. A fair trial to make my case. But that should be known. I don't care who it is, that needs to be known.

How come none of that is -- how come none of that is -- how come no one is asking.

If Joe Biden was so incompetent, he couldn't run for president, he could run the White House. Oh. And, by the way, then we find out, that none of the signatures are his! All of these bills that he signed. Like, one of them.

One of them.

And you know which one it was?

The one saying, I am not going to run again.

I won't run for a second term. That's the only one that was his.

Why? Why was that the only one that was his?

Is that because that's the only one he was really involved in.

I don't know. But who was hiding his actual condition?

Isn't that important to know?

You know, you have the Butler, Pennsylvania, shooter. Thomas Crooks.

You now have people saying in the Secret Service and other places, you know, USAID.

Those kinds of people that have been overthrowing governments. That's -- that's trained.

We recognize that.


How about the shooter, in Vegas?

Why the hell don't we know anything about that know. Are you kidding me? Nothing?

The COVID stuff. Why is nobody going to jail on that.

They perjured themselves in front of Congress.

Millions of people died. What?

By the way, we have the MLK tapes. The RFK.

Those are still sealed. Why, again?

And are those the ones that are important to us now?

I guess, if you have to take it in order.

But those aren't the ones. What happened to RFK, JFK, MLK? I would like to know. But those aren't the ones like, we've got to know right now!

Why is there a Congressional slush fund? $17 million paid out since 1997 for harassment claims, and we don't know who those harassment claims were about in Congress.

That's my tax money.

$17 million, went to cover-up, you know, sexual harassment claims.

Settled. With my money. Your money. No names. No dates. No amounts. Should all be opened up.

The Pentagon and the UFO. The chemical trails.

I don't know. Is that true. I don't know!

But none of this can be believed until we are completely transparent.

And then you'll reduce the population down to about six to 8 percent that just never believe anything.

And you can live as a society like that.

You cannot live with 20, 40, 50 percent saying, I don't trust anything that comes from the government.

That's what has to be corrected.

And it has to start today.

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