Spring Concert Thursday
The Sweet Home High School Band, made up of students in grades six through 12, will perform its free Spring Concert at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 20, in the high school auditorium, 1641 Long St.
Genealogical Society offers free classes
Sweet Home Genealogical Society is offering free monthly classes through May 17 on topics relating to family research.
The topic on March 15 is “Using Family Search and Its Affiliate Family Search,” led by Cindy Elzinger.
The April 19 topic will be “How to Prepare and What is Needed to Visit a Genealogy Library,” led by Ardys Vaughn.
The May 17 topic will be “A Trip to Ellis Island,” which will include a visual presentation and history presented by Terri Lanini.
The classes are first-come, first-served and open to all as space permits. They all begin at 11 a.m. and are held at the Genealogy Library, 1224 Kalmia St.
Each class will be approximately 45 minutes to an hour long, with time for questions at the end.
For more information, contact the Genealogy Society at (541) 818-0578.
Learn about health
benefits of gardening
Do you enjoy gardening? Have you noticed that gardeners, for the most part, are laid-back, relaxed, comfortable with their lives? Would you like to know why?
The Calapooia Food Alliance offers its monthly meal and educational presentation at 6 p.m. Friday, March 21, at the American Legion Hall, 339 N. Main St., in Brownsville.
CFA board members will prepare a meal of vegetarian meal Yummy Bowls (think Cafe Yum) and Linn County Master Gardener Susannah Prenoveau will present a program on Ecotherapy, especially Therapeutic Horticulture.
Prenoveau is also a therapeutic horticulture intern with the OSU Campus Arboretum.
To reserve your place at the table, email info@gocfa.org. Cost is $15 per person. Bring your own favorite bowl, place setting and non-alcoholic beverage.
Free Band Concert
In Albany March 22
The Willamette Valley Concert Band will perform its spring concert at 4 p.m. Saturday, March 22, at the Albany Performing Arts Center, 2100 SW Elm St.
The program, entitled “The Composer’s Legacy: A Rich Musical Past, Present and Future,” features music celebrating past and present composers, including the world premiere of a composition by Dr. Mike Merrill, funded by the Linn County Cultural Coalition. Other selections on the program include
Gustav Holst’s “Second Suite in F,” Dante’s “Divine Comedy” and “Columbia River Quickstep” by Salem-based composer David A. Jones.
The concert is free but donations are welcome.
Community garden
plots available
The City of Sweet Home is accepting reservations for 12 available plots in the Community Garden at Strawberry Park.
Plots are $30 a year and are first come, first serve. Sign up with Cindi or Adam at City Hall, 3225 Main St. Water is available on site.
ODFW wildlife contest
open to artists, photos
The Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife invites artists to submit their work for the 2026 stamp art competitions.
The winning artists receive a $2,000 award and their artwork is used to produce collector’s stamps and other promotional items with sale proceeds benefiting Oregon’s fish, wildlife and their habitats. The three contests are:
Habitat Conservation Stamp – Art entries must feature a Strategy Species identified in the Oregon Conservation Strategy in its appropriate habitat. Not all species in the Strategy are eligible, so please use the qualifying list of species. See the contest rules and entry form for more information and a list of eligible species. https://www.dfw.state.or.us/conservationstrategy/habitat_conservation_stamp.asp
Waterfowl Stamp Contest – Art entries must feature one of the following species in its natural habitat setting: Blue-winged Teal, Lesser Scaup, or Ruddy Duck. See contest rules and entry form for more information. https://www.dfw.state.or.us/resources/hunting/waterfowl/contest/index.asp
Upland Game Bird Stamp Contest – Art entries must feature Ring-necked Pheasant in its natural habitat setting. See contest rules and entry form for more information. https://www.dfw.state.or.us/resources/hunting/upland_bird/contest/index.asp
Artists are asked to use the Recommendations for Packaging Artwork on the Contest Rules’ final page.
A panel will judge artwork based on artistic composition, anatomical accuracy of the species and general appeal. Collector’s stamps, art prints and other promotional materials are produced from first-place artwork. Proceeds from product sales are used for habitat improvement, research surveys and conservation projects.
Interested artists are encouraged to visit ODFW’s stamp art competition webpage for more information on the contests and to view entries from previous years.
Entries will be accepted from Aug. 29 until 5 p.m. on Sept. 26 at the ODFW headquarters, 4034 Fairview Industrial Dr., SE, Salem, OR 97302.
For more information on contest rules and to order stamps and art prints, visit: https://www.dfw.state.or.us/stamp_contest/index.asp
Entries can be mailed or hand delivered. If you hand-deliver your entry, please call ahead to make arrangements at 503.947.6314.
Organic gardening
classes in Lebanon
Master Gardener Sheryl Casteen will host organic gardening classes from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. for six Saturdays (March 22, 29, and April 5, 12, 19, 26) at the Lebanon Senior Center, 80 Tangent St.
The Food Garden Classes are free and open to the public and will cover different topics, including soil preparation, irrigation, seed starting, identifying plant diseases and pests, organic prevention methods, weeds, composting, container planting, raised beds, worm bins, and when to harvest. Plus there will be time to answer questions.
We will delve into exciting new discoveries for the backyard gardener, including insights into the soil-plant relationship, newly developed disease and pest-resistant varieties, inventive composting methods, and more.
These classes are good if you are new to gardening and want to get a great start, or an advanced gardener interested in new information about the latest methods for ‘growing successfully.’
There’s an opportunity to swap seeds, so bring yours and/or take what’s brought in. Each class will also have hands-on planting lessons; supplies will be provided.
Pre-teens and teens are encouraged to join if they are interested in learning how to grow their own food and flowers.
Register by emailing Sheryl at casteen@aol.com. Provide your first and last name, plus phone number.
History event to look
back at pre-dam days
The Atlas of Drowned Towns will host a two-day event, “Green Peter & Foster History Jamboree,” from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, March 28-29, at Sweet Home Evangelical Church, 1347 Long St.
The event will include activities exploring life in Sweet Home before the construction of Green Peter and Foster dams in 1967 and 1968. Learn about Sweet Home and the surrounding area, share your stories, bring your historical artifacts to be digitized, discover more in presentations and workshops, chat with community members, and more.
This event is free and open to community members of all ages. For more information, visit www.drownedtowns.com.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for the welcome station, oral history station, scanning station, and engagement & feedback. Morning shift: is 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Afternoon shift is 12:30-4:30 p.m. Sign up online at https://signup.com/go/dRmUnGm. Click the “view” button to learn more about each position. To register, click the green “sign up” button and provide an email, name and phone number.
Lunch and an Atlas of Drowned Towns t-shirt will be provided for all volunteers. For more information, contact Rachel Klade, History Jamboree coordinator, at kladerachel@gmail.com.
Rock and Mineral
Show March 29-30
The 75th Annual Sweet Home Rock and Mineral Show will be held Saturday and Sunday, March 29-30, at Sweet Home High School.
This year’s theme will be “Knock on Wood.”
The event, hosted by the Sweet Home Rock and Mineral Club, includes raffles and door prizes, lots of rock and mineral displays, vendors, demonstrations, food and plenty of accessible parking.
Admission is $1 for adults and teens; children 12 and under are free when accompanied by an adult.
For more information on how to participate, call 541.451.2740, 541.451.1577, or email ela4rocks@gmail.com.
SHCF accepting
grant applications
The Sweet Home Community Foundation will begin accepting grant applications for the
2025 cycle beginning Feb. 15. The goal of the foundation is to provide funding
and support to worthwhile community organizations and projects in the Sweet Home area.
Special consideration is placed on projects that can demonstrate lasting benefits to our
SHCF Community Grants are available for up to $10,000. Applications can be submitted
online at giveshcf.org/grant2025 through March 31.
Grant applicants must be a 501(c) 3 or other qualified tax-exempt organization or the
proposed project may be implemented in partnership or affiliation with such an
Grant funds are provided through the generosity of local businesses, individuals and the
Sweet Home Community Foundation-Tim and JoAnne McQueary, Leave a Local Legacy
Grant award recipients will be announced in April.
Lebanon chorus
seeks singers
The Lebanon Community Chorus is seeking singers as it starts its 2025 schedule.
Rehearsals have started at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Lebanon.
The Lebanon Community Chorus is an unauditioned, mixed-voice chorus often accompanied by piano. All voices are welcome. Participants should be able to carry a tune, enjoy singing, and can cooperate in a musical environment with others.
The chorus’ spring concert will be April 27. Director is Terence Madlangbayan and the accompanist is Bill Langdon.
For more information, visit lebanoncommunitychorus.org.
Stage directors
needed for 2025
Mid-Valley Productions, a non-profit live performing art and events company that aims to bring cultural, educational and entertaining experiences to the community, seeks directors for its 2025 season.
Last year MVP hosted 10 events, ranging from theatrical productions to documentary screenings to concerts at Russell Tripp Performance Center on the Linn-Benton Community College Albany campus.
For more information, email mvp@midvalleyproductions.org by March 31.
Model train event
at Lebanon Library
The Lebanon Public Library will host a model train event from 1-6 p.m. on Wednesday, April 9, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Thursday, April 10, and from 12-4:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 12, at 55 Academy St., Lebanon.
The Oregon Electric O-Gaugers Model Train Club invites families to enjoy the interactive exhibit in the library’s community meeting room that will be converted into a miniature train station. It will have multiple tracks, noisy trains, a trolley, a lighted city and hands-on activities for children. This event is fun and educational, and members would be happy to answer questions.
Deliver for
Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels of Sweet Home is in urgent need of volunteer drivers, delivering free meals to local seniors and disabled adults in the Sweet Home area.
Delivery days are Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. The role is best suited for people available in the mid-day, as meals go out at noon. Volunteers work one to two days a week for about 2.5 hours each shift.
Meals on Wheels is managed by Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments and operated by local volunteers. Volunteers package fresh meals in the kitchen and the drivers deliver them. Many local people count on this food as a primary source of nutrition.
Email to volunteers@ocwcog.org or call Heidi at 541.812.6015. Each volunteer must fill out an application and complete a background check.
Carriage Me Back
May 3 in Brownsville
Brownsville’s annual “Carriage Me Back” will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 3, and from 12-5 p.m. on Sunday, May 4.
Enjoy a carriage ride around town while being entertained by skits based on history and flavored with artistic license before being dropped at the Moyer House for more entertainment.
Ticket are $15 for adults, and $5 for under 12 years old. Full carriage rides can be reserved (20 people) for $225. Reservations are strongly recommended.
For more information, call the Linn County Historical Museum at 541-466-3390, or stop by the museum at 101 Park Ave., in Brownsville (open Tuesday – Saturday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.).
LBCC Dyno Days:
Test your vehicle
Linn-Benton Community College’s annual Dyno Days event will be held from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, May 16-17, at 2000 W Oak St., Lebanon.
Event access is free. Cost for three runs on the dynamometer is $50 to measure how much torque and horsepower your vehicle can make. Food truck, industry partners and tours available.
Powwow planned
in Lebanon
The first annual Willamette Valley Powwow will be held from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturday, May 31, at the Boulder Falls Event Center, 605 Mullins St.
Visit for traditional and contest dancing, drumming and singing, as well as Native arts and crafts, and food vendors. For more information, contact Laurie at Laurie.Regalado@lebanon.k12.or.us.
Pioneer Picnic
in Brownsville
The annual Linn County Pioneer Picnic will be held from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on June 20-22 at Brownsville Pioneer Park.
This year’s event theme is “Pioneer Logging Camps,” and includes a parade, dam run, car show, activities and more. Vendors interested in selling at the event can visit pioneerpicnic.com/vendors for more information.
Stand By Me Day
in Brownsville
The annual Stand By Me Day in Brownsville will be held Saturday, July 26, throughout Brownsville. More details to come.
Museum needs
help from locals
East Linn Museum is seeking volunteers and items that are needed for the operation of the museum.
The museum needs volunteers for its operations to replace retiring volunteers. New volunteers are not required to know anything about the museum or how to operate a computer. The museum operates three days a week from Thursday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Supplies needed by the museum include: copy paper, postage stamps, legal size envelopes, paper towels, toilet paper, glass cleaner, all purpose cleaner and Ajax.
For more information, call the museum at 541.367.4580.
Free dinners
on Mondays
Sunshine Industries invites the public to a free dinner every Monday from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at 1333 Clark Mill Road. Because everyone matters.
Free health
clinic Tuesdays
The East Linn Community Clinic is held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 1600 Main St. in Lebanon.
This is a medical clinic that provides primary and acute medical care for under- or uninsured individuals. On select nights, Western U COMP-NW offers osteopathic manipulative medicine to treat chronic and acute pain. Patients may walk in or schedule appointments.
For more information, call (541) 758-3000 ext. 115.
Farmers markets
on Thursdays
Weekly winter farmers markets will be held Thursdays from 2 to 6 p.m. from Jan. 16 through March 27 at Santiam Place Event Center, 139 S. Main St., Lebanon.
For more information on how to participate, contact Belinda at (541) 418-2603 or shldfarmersmarket@gmail.com.