Things to do in the Chattanooga area this week include Easter Bunny, food truck festival, spring break activities

Staff file photo by Matt Hamilton / The Read House Hotel will be the starting point for Preserve Chattanooga's guided walking tour of downtown's National Register historic sites on March 22.
Staff file photo by Matt Hamilton / The Read House Hotel will be the starting point for Preserve Chattanooga's guided walking tour of downtown's National Register historic sites on March 22.

Here's what's happening this week in the Chattanooga area.

Spring things

Spring begins Thursday at 5:01 a.m. EDT. If you feel you simply must be outside to enjoy the vernal equinox, here are five good places to go. Check websites for hours and fees.

— Audubon Acres, 900 N. Sanctuary Road, has 5 miles of trails along meadows and streams. This week you can also take part in spring break activities.

— Enterprise South Nature Park, 190 Still Hollow Loop, has multiple hiking, biking and horse trails, plus a drive-thru route.

— Reflection Riding Arboretum & Nature Center, 400 Garden Road, has a 3-mile gravel loop that passes hardwood forests, wildflower meadows and wetlands habitats.

— Tennessee Riverwalk: This 16-mile route has multiple entryways and diversions for stops, including Coolidge Park, Renaissance Park and Ross's Landing.

(READ MORE: Chattanooga's historic Walnut Street Bridge closing for 18-month renovation)

— Gibbs Gardens in Ball Ground, Georgia, about two hours from Chattanooga, is must-see if you have time for a day trip. The 376-acre property has a profusion of daffodils, cherry blossoms and tulips in bloom in early spring.



THE ARTS CENTER — 320 N. White St., Athens, Tenn. Athens Area Council for the Arts presents "Exposure 2025" annual photography competition exhibit, and "Liminal Spaces" by photographer Linnea Moody, March 24-May 30. Reception, 5-7 p.m. April 4.

AVA GALLERY — 30 Frazier Ave. Association for Visual Arts shows, through April 10: "Five Ways of Looking at Home," works by Dana Shavin, Brent Sanders, Lisa Norris, Daryl Thetford and Lawrence Mathis (Main Gallery); Safelight District Member Photography Show (Landis Gallery).

CHA ART SPACE — Chattanooga Metropolitan Airport ticketing area, 1001 Airport Road. "Gather," curated exhibit of artists' response to theme, through March.

CHICKAMAUGA BATTLEFIELD VISITOR CENTER — 3370 LaFayette Road, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. "Mark Thrash — Local Legend, Civil Rights After the Civil War," Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park display of artifacts of the former slave and U.S. War Department employee.

CREATIVE ARTS GUILD — 520 W. Waugh St., Dalton, Ga. Student Arts Expo, from local preK-12 students, through March 28.

FRANKLIN COUNTY ARTS GUILD — The Artisan Depot, 204 E. Cumberland St., Cowan, Tenn. Community show, "Stark Reality," through March 30.

HUNTER MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART — 10 Bluff View. "The Long View: Williams Island," partnership program with Tennessee River Gorge Trust, starts with curator-led tour of "The Long View: From Conservation to Sustainability, 10 a.m. March 22. Followed by excursion to Williams Island to explore, sketch and photograph. $20-$25.

IN-TOWN GALLERY — 26A Frazier Ave. "Resin Reflections: The Artistry of Sarah Feustle," through March 31.

JEWISH CULTURAL CENTER — 5461 North Terrace. Jen Lewis' "Stars of David Project," with 60 hand-drawn panels, each with 20,000 stars, representing Jewish lives lost in the Holocaust, plus Holocaust-era Jewish stars and concentration camp artifacts from the Gilbert Tabby collection, through April 27.

JOHN C. WILLIAMS ART GALLERY — Southern Adventist University, 4881 Taylor Circle, Collegedale (Brock Hall, second floor). School of Visual Art and Design presents "That's a Wrap," inspired by Spotify Wrapped, by senior graphic-design students, through April 4.


— Through March 18: "Jars in Heaven" exhibit by contemporary artist Ronit Hoy Holtz.

— Through June: "Pillars of Pentecost: Church of God History — Our First 50 Years" heritage exhibit, with stories, photographs and artifacts telling the history of Church of God pioneers.

LIQUIDAMBAR ART GALLERY — Sequatchie Valley Institute, 1233 Cartwright Loop, Whitwell, Tenn. Showcase of ceramics, sculptures, flame-worked glass, metal ornaments, kaleidoscopes, paintings by local artists, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. CST every Saturday-Sunday (other times by appointment). Forest Nature Trails also open. 404-698-5444

LYNN H. WOOD ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM — Hackman Hall, Southern Adventist University, 4881 Taylor Circle, Collegedale. Exhibit of ivory comb, dating to 1700 B.C., on loan from Israel Antiquities Authority and The Israel Museum, discovered by a SAU student during the 2016 excavation at Tel Lachish, through May 2.

(READ MORE: Chattanooga area researchers' find leads to major discovery)

(PHOTO GALLERY: A tiny (and monumental) glimpse into the origins of the written alphabet)

MICHAELS — 2200 Hamilton Place Blvd. MakerPlace pop-up for Chattanooga artist Nekeidria Lee, creator of NekeidriArt, 1-5 p.m. March 16. In-store event introduces collection retailer is selling online in its handmade marketplace for makers and artisans.

NORTH RIVER CIVIC CENTER — 1009 Executive Drive, Suite 102. "Expressions of Pride: The AfroArt Collection," Black History Month photo exhibit by Regis and Kahran Bethencourt of CreativeSoul Photography, through March. 423-870-8924


— March 18: Youth Photography Showcase awards, 6:30 p.m. at St. John United Methodist Church, 3921 Murray Hills Drive.

— March 20: March meeting with program on "Urban Photography" by guest Peter Essick, 6-8 p.m. at St. John United Methodist Church. Continuing-education class at 6 p.m. on "A Simplified System for Importing & Organizing Your Photos in Lightroom."

— Through April 18: Winter show at Gallery at Blackwell, 71 Eastgate Loop.

RIVER GALLERY — 400 E. Second St. Works by Deneece Harrell (porcelain), Nate Szarmach (oils) and Sister Mary Grace Thul (woodcut prints), through April 30.

SCULPTURE FIELDS GALLERY — Sculpture competition for Hamilton County high school students on the theme "Form and Function," through April 1. Prizes awarded during weekend gala, April 24-26. Email for details:

SODDY-DAISY COMMUNITY LIBRARY — 9619 Dayton Pike. Classic Bookmark Art Contest open to Hamilton County residents only; with categories for elementary, middle and high school students and adults 18 and older, through March 14 (must be dropped off in person, with form from website, by 4 p.m.; one entry per person). Cash prizes; first-place finishers will have bookmarks made and distributed by the library. Reception, April 11.

STOVEWORKS — 1250 E. 13th St. "And I Hope To See You," works by Juan-Manuel Pinzon and Harrison Wayne, through April 5. "Celestial Bodies," curated by Neena Wang, through June 7. "Celestial Bodies" reading group, 5:30-6:30 p.m. March 20.


THE COMEDY CATCH — 29 Station St.

— March 16: Brunch With the Babes, drag show featuring Hormona Lisa, from the current season of "RuPaul's Drag Race," Veronica Day, Briana Adams and Janet Williams, the "Tennessee Tramp," special engagement, 1 p.m. $15-$20.

(READ MORE: Chattanooga drag performer Hormona Lisa will compete on 'RuPaul's Drag Race' season 17)

— March 19: Open Mic Night, 7 p.m. $7.

— March 20: Next Level Comedy Showcase, 7 p.m. $12.

— March 21-22: Claude Stuart, 7:30 and 9:45 p.m. $20-$25.

GEM THEATRE — 114 N. Wall St., Calhoun, Ga. Killer Beaz, 7:30 p.m. March 21. $40-$66.

WALKER THEATRE — 399 McCallie Ave. Maria Bamford, 7:30 p.m. March 21. $34-$105.

  photo  Photo by Robyn Von Swank / Comedian Maria Bamford will perform March 21 in Walker Theatre.


HAMILTON PLACE — 2100 Hamilton Place Blvd. Photo sessions daily at Center Court near Lululemon, March 21-April 19. Pet photos each Monday (March 24, 31, April 7, 14). Reservations encouraged but not required.


LENTEN LECTURE SERIES — St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 305 W. Seventh St. Thorne Sparkman School of Religion scholars lead programs on "Reimagining Our Faith," 6:30 p.m. March 18 (second of five, Tuesdays through April 8). Preceded by Eucharist at 5:15 p.m. and light soup dinner at 5:45 p.m. Child care upon request at registration. $25-$35 series without dinner, $50-$65 with dinner.


BOBBY STONE FILM SERIES — Walker Theatre, 399 McCallie Ave. Additional films through April 6. $10-$12.

— March 20: Silents Synced: "Nosferatu" soundtracked with Radiohead's "Kid A" and "Amnesiac," 7:30 p.m.

— March 22: Silents Synced: Buster Keaton's "Sherlock Jr." soundtracked with REM's "Monster" and "New Adventures in Hi-Fi," 7:30 p.m.

FLY FISHING FILM TOUR — Lee University's Doris Johnson Screening Room, 345 Church St. NE, Cleveland, Tenn. Spotted Dog Outfitters and Lee University Angling host event in 19th year, with curated selection of fly-fishing films from around the world, highlighting remote locations, unique challenges and passionate anglers, 3:30-6 p.m. March 22. $10-$20.

IMAX THEATER — 201 Chestnut St. Feature-film and special-event screenings: "Mickey 17," through March 19, $15. "Call of the Dolphins 3D," through April 30, $10.



— March 17: Jonathan Richman, with drummer Tommy Larkins, 7:30 p.m. Sold out.

— March 19: Wednesday Jazz with Dexter Bell & Friends, 7:30 p.m. $10-$12.

BARRELHOUSE BALLROOM — 1501 Long St. barrelhouse

— March 16: St. Paddy's Day Party with The Molly Maguires, 7 p.m. $15.

— March 21: While We're Young: A One Direction dance party, in support of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 9 p.m. $15-$20.

— March 22: Resonant Language, with Crawdad Sniper, Onyx Garden, Waterchild and Pluff, 9 p.m. $30-$35.

THE CAVERNS — 555 Charlie Roberts Road, Pelham, Tenn. Ani DiFranco, with Rainbow Girls, 6 p.m. CDT March 16. $68-$78.

CHRISTWAY COMMUNITY CHURCH — 6201 Mountain View Road, Ooltewah. Mac Powell (of Third Day) on I Love Jesus tour, with special guests Cochren & Co. and Jon Reddick, 7 p.m. March 16 (early entry with VIP tickets). $20-$86.

CORNERSTONE BAPTIST CHURCH — 5479 Highway 58. Music and message by The Agee Family, 11 a.m. March 23.

GEM THEATRE — 114 N. Wall St., Calhoun, Ga.

— March 16: Celtic Angels Ireland, with Trinity Ensemble and Celtic Knight Dancers, 7:30 p.m. $35-$55.

— March 22: Glen Templeton, 7:30 p.m. $40-$50.

LEE UNIVERSITY — Cleveland, Tenn. Programs are free and nonticketed. Livestream:

— March 20: Faculty recital by guitarist K. Alan Shikoh, 7:30 p.m. in Squires Recital Hall in Humanities Center, 1120 N. Ocoee St.

— March 23: Lee University Chorale's 25th anniversary concert, 3 p.m. in Pangle Hall, 340 Church St. NE. Concert is final performance with Chorale by retiring director William Green after 21-year tenure. First half features current ensemble; second half is reunion of alumni.

THE PLAYLIST — 100 Market St. St. Paddy's Celebration, with Italian dinner and singing servers, 5-10 p.m. March 16. Free glass of champagne if you're wearing green. Use code Lucky20 for 20% off. Reservations:

THE SIGNAL — 21 Choo Choo Ave.

— March 21: They Might Be Giants on The Big Show tour, 8 p.m. $47-$80.

— March 22: R&B Only Live, sing-along and dance show, 9 p.m. Tickets tba.

S'MORES & SOUNDS: A RED BANK CONCERT SERIES — Red Bank City Park, 3817 Redding Road. Free music and marshmallows, featuring Nina Ricci, 6-8 p.m. March 28.

SONGBIRDS — 206 W. Main St.

— March 16: Austin Meade, on Happier Alone Forever tour, with Kody West, 7 p.m. $20-$25.

— March 20: Jazz Futures, open-jam collaboration among aspiring musicians and seasoned professionals, 8 p.m. Free but donations encouraged.

— March 21: Gareth Pearson, 7 p.m. $25-$35.

— March 22: Tinsley Ellis, 7 p.m. $25-$30.

  photo  Photo by Kim Reed / Guitar great Tinsley Ellis will perform March 22 at Songbirds.

TENNESSEE VALLEY THEATRE — 184 W. Jackson Ave., Spring City. "An Americana Journey" with the Mt. LeConte Jug Band & Friends, 7 p.m. March 22. $20-$30.


BOOK SIGNING — Barnes & Noble, 2100 Hamilton Place Blvd. Local military historian and author Daniel D. Smith Sr. signs copies of "The Biltmore's Mona Lisa," 1-4 p.m. March 22.

CHATTANOOGA FOOD TRUCK AND CRAFT BEER FESTIVAL — Coolidge Park, 150 River St. Food Truck Festivals of America event returns for third year with more than two dozen food trucks, nine craft breweries and 17 craft and food vendors, noon-6 p.m. March 22. $5-$10.

CHATTANOOGA RIVER MARKET — Tennessee Aquarium plaza, 1 Broad St. Weekly gathering of local artists, crafters and food vendors continues March 16, 22-23. Open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturdays, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sundays through April 12-13, then reverts to Saturday only schedule. Free admission.

CIVIL WAR HISTORY — Chickamauga Battlefield Visitor Center, 3370 LaFayette Road, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park programs honoring Women's History Month. Free and ranger-led.

— March 22: "Women in War: Dangerous Work To Support a Cause," exploring the risks associated with arsenal work, 2 p.m. at the Visitor Center (outside, weather permitting).

— March 23: "Rhea County Spartans," about this unique female cavalry company and other active roles women played in the war, 2 p.m. from the Visitor Center into the battlefield.

CREATIVE DISCOVERY MUSEUM — 321 Chestnut St. "Namaste India," hands-on exhibit featuring Bollywood, tuk tuk rides, Indian cuisine and other cultural touchstones, through May 11 (closed Wednesdays). $20 (ages 2 and up).

DINNER DETECTIVE SHOW — DoubleTree Chattanooga Hamilton Place, 2232 Center St. Themed interactive comedy murder mystery, with plated dinner, 6 p.m. March 29 and other dates through May. $61.

DINNER WITH A DOCTOR — South Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church, 4605 Redland Drive. Monthly series features free plant-based dinner and program on how fiber and whole grains affect the gut microbiome and overall health by Dr. David Bowers, 6 p.m. March 17 (and other third Mondays).

DOWNTOWN WALKING TOUR — From Read House Hotel, 107 W. M.L. King Blvd. Preserve Chattanooga's guided walking tour of National Register sites, with focus on history and architecture, 10 a.m. March 22. Admission by donation. Limited space. Register:

INDOOR CLIMBING EXPO — Chattanooga Convention Center, 1 Carter Plaza. Hands-on learning for enthusiasts and professional development for gym owners, with gear vendors, clinics, athlete appearances; expo floor open 4-10 p.m. March 19, 4-7:30 p.m. March 20, 4-10 p.m. March 21, 10 a.m.-noon March 22. (workshops and other events on separate schedule). $20-$40 day pass, $59-$120 event pass.

  photo  Staff file photo / The Indoor Climbing Expo will return to the Chattanooga Convention Center March 19-22.

JERSEY MIKE'S MONTH OF GIVING — Any Jersey Mike's sub shop. All proceeds for group orders placed by noon March 19, for pickup March 24-25 or 27-30, will be donated to branches of YMCA of Metropolitan Chattanooga, when placed through the YMCA website: Roundups to nearest dollar and extra donations also go to the Y all month, as do all sales made on Nationwide Day of Giving, March 26.

MEACHAM WRITERS WORKSHOP — UTC campus sites, 615 McCallie Ave., and StoveWorks, 1250 E. 13th St. One of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga's longest-running literary traditions marks 40th anniversary, March 19-22. Includes launch of "Objects in This Mirror: An Anthology of Legacy, new collection of works by 50+ UTC alumni who studied under Dr. Richard Jackson, the workshop's founding director. Free. Full schedule:

— March 19: Sequoya Review Reading, 5:30-7 p.m. in Lupton Hall's first-floor commons.

— March 20: Reading and reception featuring Earl Braggs, Pam Uschuk, William Pitt Root, Laurel Snyder and Aaron McCollough, 5-7 p.m. in UTC Library's Roth Reading Room.

— March 21: Reading featuring Helga Kidder, Ata Moharreri, Danielle Hanson and Kris Whorton, noon-1:30 p.m. in University Center's Raccoon Mountain Room.

— March 21: Reading and reception featuring Mark Cox, Bret Lott, Sybil Baker, Richard Jackson and Earl Braggs, 5-7 p.m. at Stove Works.

— March 22: Alumni book launch and reception, 5-7 p.m. in UTC Library's Roth Reading Room.

PFLAG CHATTANOOGA — Barking Legs Theater, 1307 Dodds Ave. Support group for LGBTQ+ people and allies, 1 p.m. March 16 (and other third Sundays).

PRAISE BREAKFAST — Chattanooga Convention Center, 1 Carter Plaza. Christian actress, author and director Shari Rigby is keynote speaker for signature event of Scenic City Women's Network, 7-9 a.m. March 27; RSVP by March 18. Includes music by Voices of Lee, presentation of Lydia Award to June Scobee Rodgers. $45.

PULLING THREADS THROUGH LIFE — Grace Episcopal Church, 20 Belvoir Ave. A Chattanooga Sister Cities program by Eleanor McCallie Cooper, with slide show on her Japanese indigo fabric art inspired by time she spent in Japan, 6 p.m. March 19. Email:

RED BANK ACTIVE OLDER ADULTS — Joseph Glasscock Community Center, 3653 Tom Weathers Drive. Guest speakers, fitness classes, games, art and social activities for adults 55 and older (nonresidents welcome), 10 a.m. every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday. RSVP:

RK GUN SHOW — Alhambra Shrine, 1000 Alhambra Drive. Vendors with guns, hunting supplies, military surplus and outdoor gear, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. March 22, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. March 23. $4-$16.

SEALIGHT FESTIVAL — Sculpture Fields at Montague Park, 1800 Polk St. Inaugural event features illumination of hundreds of handmade Chinese lanterns and performances by Zigong Acrobatic Troupe, 5:30-9:30 p.m. through April 20 (Thursday-Sunday only; last entry at 8:30 p.m.). $17-$27; $6 on-site parking; park admission is free all other hours.

SIERRA CLUB - CHEROKEE GROUP — Outdoor Chattanooga, 200 River St. Traveling regional ranger Holly Taylor discusses Tennessee state parks, 6-7:30 p.m. March 24. Free.

SISTER-CARE SUNDAY — Party Bites Kitchen + Catering, 806 E. 12th St. Wellness retreat for mind, body and spirit dedicated to Black women, with breakout sessions led by healers and wellness practitioners, curated market of Black women-owned brands, self-care tarot readings, 1-5 p.m. March 16. $45.

STAR PARTY — UTC's Clarence T. Jones Observatory, 10 Tuxedo Ave. Free weekly lectures and planetarium shows, 7 p.m. Sundays (new time). Next: Program on "Precession of the Equinoxes" by Wesley Foster, assistant professor of physics at Chattanooga State Community College, 7 p.m. March 23. (No event March 16 during UTC's spring break.)

STITCHES IN TIME QUILT SHOW — Museum Center at Five Points, 200 E. Inman St., Cleveland, Tenn. Event marks 25th year with workshops, lectures, community-service sewing day, vendors, reception with bed-turning, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. March 19, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. March 20, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. March 21, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. March 22. $5.

SUPERHERO DEFENSE TRAINING — Bradley Square Mall, 200 Paul Huff Parkway, Cleveland, Tenn. (Storyland next to Claire's). Pope's Martial Arts Academy hosts Captain America for stories, training and photo-ops, 10:30 a.m. March 22. Free.

TAKE FIVE — Tennessee Room, UTC University Center, 642 E. Fifth St. Community book club marking 30th anniversary with "Work" theme features UTC faculty discussing series of five books, continuing with Dr. Verbie Prevost on Larry Brown's "Dirty Work," 6 p.m. March 18. Free; light dinner served. Full schedule:

TENNESSEE VALLEY WILD ONES — GreenSpaces, 63 E. Main St. Discussion of Robin Wall book "The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World," 6:30-8 p.m. March 17. (Find link to Emergence Magazine article at group's website if you haven't read the book.) Free.

TOW TO GO — AAA road service offers free last-resort ride for impaired drivers (nonmembers accepted) and a tow for their vehicles if no other safe alternative for St. Patrick's Day partiers in Tennessee and Georgia, through March 18 (6 a.m. cutoff). 855-2-TOW-2-GO (855-286-9246)

WINTER WORKSHOPS — Outdoor Chattanooga, 200 River St. Series continues with "Fly Fishing 101," with Trout Unlimited, 6-8 p.m. March 20. Free.

WORLD WAR HISTORY — Walker County African American Museum and Multicultural Center, 309 N. Main St., LaFayette, Ga. Historian Tom Boykin presents program on "Fort Oglethorpe's German Prisoners of War," detailing the 4,000 enemy military personnel, POWS and civilian internees held at the Georgia 6th Cavalry Military Base in World Wars I and II, 3 p.m. March 22. $5. 706-670-1165


CHATTANOOGA FOOTBALL CLUB — Finley Stadium, 1826 Reggie White Blvd. Men's professional soccer team in MLS Next Pro league vs. Corpus Christi FC, 6:30 p.m. March 19. $12 and up.


AUDUBON ACRES — 900 N. Sanctuary Road. Spring Break Extravaganza activities include Feather Quest birdwatching scavenger hunt; Predator & Prey wildlife detective programs; Blooms & Buds guided nature walks; Owl CSI forensics programs; Earth & Sole barefoot nature walks; Insect Investigators with take-home bug jars; Diggin' Into the Past hands-on archaeology adventures; Critter Trek with Maclellan Island goats; Secret Stories of the Fallen Log; Conquistadors & Chiefdoms, exploring Little Owl Village, March 17-21 (various dates and times). Prices vary. Full schedule:

DREAD HOLLOW — 321 Browns Ferry Road. Scream Break-themed haunt set in the worlds of Camp Dread and Dread Hollow High School ($17) and three escape rooms ($15), 7:30-10 p.m. March 22; lights-on, behind-the-screams tour, 3-5 p.m. ($28). Tickets are timed entry:

HAMILTON COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION — Free daily activities for school-age children during Hamilton County Schools' spring break.

— March 17: Suncatchers Day, with free craft making and games, beverage vendor, 2-4 p.m. at Tennessee Riverpark's Hubert Fry Center oval, 4301 Amnicola Highway.

— March 18: Tie Dye DIY, bring one item to tie-dye, with free games, food and beverage vendors, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at Chester Frost Park's Shelter No. 4, 7872 Causeway Road.

— March 19: Rock Painting, to add to Scarlett the rock snake, with free games, beverage vendor, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at Tennessee Riverpark, 4301 Amnicola Highway.

— March 20: Farm Days, with farm animals, free games, food and beverage vendors, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at McDonald Farm, 16705 Coulterville Road, Sale Creek.

— March 21: Springtime Movie, with free popcorn, free games, food and beverage vendors, 5-7:30 p.m. at McDonald Farm, 16705 Coulterville Road, Sale Creek.

THE PLAYLIST — 100 Market St. Spring Break Party nights, with Italian dinner and singing servers, 5-10 p.m. March 21-22, 28-29. Use code SpringBreak20 for 20% discount. $40. Reservations:


ARTISTIC CIVIC THEATRE — 907 Gaston St., Dalton, Ga. Satirical comedy "Urinetown: The Musical," 2 p.m. March 16, 7:30 p.m. March 20-22. $14-$19.

ATHENS COMMUNITY THEATRE — The Arts Center, 320 N. White St., Athens, Tenn. "As She Likes It," anthology of short plays with Shakespeare's characters in new contexts, 2 p.m. March 16. (last show). Final production of this season's Dessert Series. $15-$25.

CUMBERLAND COUNTY PLAYHOUSE — 221 Tennessee Ave., Crossville, Tenn.

— Through March 23: L. Frank Baum's "The Wizard of Oz," opening 60th anniversary season. $22-$24.

— Through May 14: Ken Ludwig's "Moon Over Buffalo." $20-$36.

SEED THEATRE — Barking Legs Theater, 1307 Dodds Ave. Tony Kushner's "Angels in America (Part One: Millennium Approaches)," set during the AIDS crisis in 1980s America, 7 p.m. March 21, 1 and 7 p.m. March 22 (talkback session follows matinee).

Find more events, and add your own, at timesfreepress. com/cnevents.

Contact Lisa Denton at or 423-757-6281.

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