Note: For a schedule of meetings that address addictions in central Nebraska, call the Central Nebraska Council on Alcoholism and Addictions at 308-385-5520.
PRIME FOR LIFE! an eight-hour alcohol education class for adults ages 21 and older and/or youth ages 20 and younger, sponsored by the Central Nebraska Council on Alcohol and Addictions, 3402 College St. (in Main Street Station) (class times vary). The goal of this program is to reduce the incidence of alcohol- and other drug-related problems in adults and youth, and focuses on personal risk-reduction (choices) and self-assessment specifically related to alcohol. Class also offered in Spanish. Fee charged; registration required; 308-385-5520;
For a complete schedule of ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meetings, call 877-226-3632;
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Back to Basics, noon, Monday through Friday; 10 a.m. and 8:15 p.m. Saturday; 8:30 and 10 a.m. Sunday; Alano Club, 1522 W. Fifth St.
FREEDOM GROUP, 10 a.m. and 5:30 and 8:15 p.m. Monday through Friday; and 10 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, 388 N. Broadwell.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Alano Group open meeting, 6:45 a.m., and Men’s Stag Group, 7 p.m., Alano Club, 1522 W. Fifth St.; Freely Given Women’s group, 7 p.m., Blessed Sacrament, 518 W. State St.; Mustard Seed, 7:30 p.m., G.I. Free Church, 2609 S. Blaine; Young Procrastinators, 8:15 p.m., St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 422 W. Second.
ALATEEN and AL-ANON, 7:30 p.m., G.I. Free Church, 2609 S. Blaine.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Afternoon Discussion, 5:30 p.m., St. Leo’s Catholic Church, 2410 S. Blaine; Better Sober Group, 7 p.m., Blessed Sacrament, 518 W. State (Sacrament Annex); Speaker’s Workshop, 7 p.m., Alano Club, 1522 W. Fifth St.
AL-ANON, 7 p.m., Blessed Sacrament, 518 W. State (use north doors).
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Big Book Study, 10:30 a.m. and Alano Group Women’s, 6:30 p.m., Alano Club, 1522 W. Fifth St.; Fellowship Group, 8 p.m., Go Figure, 707 W. First; Young Procrastinators, 8:15 p.m., St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 422 W. Second (Speaker’s meeting last Wednesday of month).
AL-ANON, 9:30 a.m., Alano Club, Fifth and Broadwell
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Big Book Study, 7 p.m., Alano Club, 1522 W. Fifth St.; Solutions Group, 7 p.m., United Methodist Church, 202 E. Pine in Alda; Never Too Late Group, 7 p.m., United Congregational Church, 405 E. Bismark.
AL-ANON, noon, CHI Health St. Francis Alcohol/Drug Treatment Center, 2116 W. Faidley; 8:15 p.m., Alano Club, 1522 W. Fifth St.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Alano Group open meeting, 5:30 p.m., Alano Club, 1522 W. Fifth St.; Young Procrastinators, 8:15 p.m., St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 422 W. Second; Step Study, 8:15 p.m., Alano Club, 1522 W. Fifth St.
AL-ANON, 10 a.m., St. Leo’s Catholic Church, 2410 S. Blaine; 8:15 p.m., Alano Club, 1522 W. Fifth St.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Resurrected Group, 8:30 a.m., Resurrection Catholic Church, 4130 Cannon Road.
AL-ANON, 10 a.m., CHI Health St. Francis Medical Plaza treatment center, Conference Room C, 2116 W. Faidley; 10 a.m., Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, 518 W. State (use north doors).
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Speaker’s meeting, 7 p.m., Alano Club, 1522 W. Fifth St.
Drug addiction
NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS, noon and 8 p.m. daily, Unity Hall, 210 N. Wheeler. Meetings also at 6 p.m. Thursday, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, south door, 2201 N. Broadwell; 9:30 p.m. Friday, St. Pauls Lutheran Church, north door, 1515 S. Harrison; and 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Messiah Lutheran Church, 122 W. Seventh.
MARIJUANA EDUCATION CLASS, a four-hour class for youth and adults ages 12 and older sponsored by the Central Nebraska Council on Alcohol and Addictions, 3402 College St. (in Main Street Station). Class aims to help participants understand the dangers of the use and addictive nature of marijuana, legal and health risks associated with the use of marijuana, reduce the incidence of alcohol- and other drug-related problems, and assist them in seeking further help if needed. Fee charged; registration required; 308-385-5520;
Other addictions
SEX AND LOVE ADDICTS ANONYMOUS, 8 p.m. Tuesday, conference room B (lower level by elevators, enter through southwest entrance), CHI Health St. Francis Medical Plaza, 2116 W. Faidley. Information: John, 402-469-5056.
CELEBRATE RECOVERY, a 12-step, faith-based support group, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, New Life Community Church, 301 W. Second, 308-384-5369; and 7 p.m. Thursday, Third City Christian Church, 4100 W. 13th St., free childcare; 308-384-5038.
FREEDOM FROM SMOKING, classes offered by the American Lung Association at CHI Health St. Francis, available to anyone interested in quitting tobacco products. The program consists of classes over seven weeks three time a year at no cost; 308-398-5442.
YOUTH TOBACCO EDUCATION CLASS, a four-hour class sponsored by the Central Nebraska Council on Alcohol and Addictions, 3204 College St. (class times vary). This class will assist youth ages 18 and younger in learning about the legal and health risks associated with tobacco use, addiction, and offer assistance in helping them move towards quitting. Fee charged; registration required; 308-385-5520;
Weight control, eating disorders
TOPS NE 7, weigh-in, 5:15 to 6 p.m.; meeting at 6:15 p.m. Monday, First Christian Church, 2400 W. 14th. Information: Eunice Alexander, 308 384-7032. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) is a support group for people who want to lose weight.
Mental health; depression
FAMILIES “CARE” YOUTH GROUPS — Kearney Youth Support Group ages 12-15 and ages 16-23; Grand Island Youth Support Group ages 13-23. These groups provide support to youth struggling with emotional, mental or behavioral health challenges. Open to anyone in the community in these age ranges. We will provide food, good conversation, wellness planning and strategies, games and activities. Contact Families CARE, 308-237-1102, or Karla S. Bennetts, 308-991-6099, for time, date and location.
PARENT SUPPORT GROUP, 7 p.m., first Thursday, Be the Light Foundation, 3012 S. Locust. Doors lock at 7:10 p.m. This group is for parents/caregivers who have a child(ren) with a mental health disorder. Information: or 308-383-6419. (Note change from Wednesday to Thursday.)
SURVIVOR of SUICIDE LOSS SUPPORT GROUP, 7 p.m., second Thursday, Be the Light Foundation, 3012 S. Locust. Doors lock at 7:10 p.m. This group is for those who have lost a loved one to suicide. Information: or 308-383-6419. (Note change from Wednesday to Thursday.)
MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT GROUP, 7 p.m., third Thursday, Be the Light Foundation, 3012 S. Locust. Doors lock at 7:10 p.m. This group is for those who struggle with a mental health disorder. Information: or 308-383-6419. (Note change from Wednesday to Thursday.)
Pregnancy, parenting and families
“WATCH ME GROW,” new parent and breastfeeding support, 10 a.m. to noon Monday, and 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Grand Island Regional Medical Center third floor waiting room; free. Information: Tina Vettel, 308-675-4550.
BREASTFEEDING BASICS 101, 6:30 to 8 p.m., third Thursday, Grand Island Regional Medical Center, first floor conference room; fee charged. Information/registration: Tina Vettel, 308-675-4550.
HYPNOBIRTHING, alternative to traditional childbirth classes; five-week course offered two or three times a year. Information (including class times and fees): Lana McCoy, 308-390-0968 or
PREPARED CHILDBIRTH CLASSES, for expectant parents, four-week sessions offered several times a year; fee charged. Information: Sylvia, 308-850-7005.
DOULA LABOR SUPPORT, for more information or to set up an appointment, call Sarah Rose, 308-218-9533, or Jaydon Stuart, 308-850-8956.
HYPNOBIRTHING, alternative to traditional childbirth classes; five-week course offered two or three times a year. Information (including class times and fees): Lana McCoy, 308-390-0968 or
BABYCARE BASICS, a one-time class for expectant parents to learn about caring for their newborn, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. third Wednesday of January, March, May, , September and November, CHI Health St. Francis conference room, 2620 W. Faidley. Information/registration: 308-398-5888.
PREPARING FOR BREASTFEEDING, a one-time class for mothers-to-be, meets every other month at CHI Health St. Francis, 2620 W. Faidley. Both expectant parents and/or support people are encouraged to attend.
EAT AT MOM’S (Breastfeeding Support Group), a free open-house breastfeeding support group that meets at CHI Health St. Francis. Receive hands-on breastfeeding assistance from the hospital’s lactation nurses and learn from and network with other mothers. Information: 308-398-6595.
INFANT MASSAGE CLASS, a one-time class offered one Saturday a month (call for times and dates), R&R Therapeutic Massage Clinic, 2343 N. Webb Road. Designed to benefit a child by increasing circulation, digestion, elimination and enhances sleep. Classes are for parents or any family member of newborns, ideally between 2 and 6 weeks of age. Taught by licensed massage therapists. Fee charged; information: 308-389-9177.
CHOICE FAMILY HEALTH CARE, Pap tests, HIV and sexually transmitted infection screening, pregnancy testing and emergency contraception provided, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, and 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, 217 E. Stolley Park Road, Suite E. Information and appointments: 308-384-7625 or
MULTIPLE MYELOMA SUPPORT GROUP, for those diagnosed with multiple myeloma, 10 a.m., third Wednesday, G.I. Free Church, 2609 S. Blaine. Group provides support, education and caring for those diagnosed and their family members. Information: Arlene Preisendorf, 308-380-8526; or Dave Scharff, 402-649-7545.
CANCER SURVIVORSHIP 101, a small, supportive group setting, helps individuals regain their physical, emotional and spiritual health after cancer treatment. Offered yearly by CHI Health St. Francis, starting the second week in March, the free nine-week holistic rehabilitation program is taught by specially trained nurses and mental health practitioners. Cancer Treatment Center, 308-398-5442.
Other illnesses
STROKE SUPPORT GROUP, meets every other month at CHI Health St. Francis, and provides support, education and networking opportunities. Anyone affected by stroke or brain injury, including family, friends, and caregivers are welcome to attend. Contact Jennifer Niedfelt,, or Jessica Renee McCord,, to be added to the email list and updates about the next meeting.
Alzheimer’s disease & dementia
ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP, 6:30 p.m., second Tuesday, the Heritage at Sagewood, 1920 Sagewood Ave. Group is designed to provide emotional, educational and social support for caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia; Erica Long, 308-398-8005 or
ALZHEIMER’S AND DEMENTIA CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP, a support group for friends and family members who care for those with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. first Wednesday, Grand Generation Center, 304 E. Third St. Information: Brenda, 308-384-1080.
ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP, 6:30 p.m., second Tuesday, Faith United Methodist Church, 1623 Central Ave., Kearney; information, Gwen, 308-234-5600. Sponsored by the Nebraska chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association, the group is designed to provide emotional, educational and social support for caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia. Local professionals will lead the sessions.
CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP, noon to 1 p.m., third Thursday, Tabitha at Prairie Commons, 3409 Ewold St. (just west of the Grand Island Regional Medical Center). Group is designed for those caring for a loved one with dementia. Caregivers, family members and friends can come together to share experiences, gain support, and enjoy a free meal in a warm and welcoming environment; information: 308-833-6112.
GRIEF SHARE, help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member or friend, 6:30 p.m. Thursdays, Trinity Lutheran Church, 212 W. 12th St. New 13-week sessions start several times a year. Information: Eunice McCarty, GriefShare facilitator, 308-382-0753 or;
TABITHA GRIEF GROUP – GRAND ISLAND, 3 p.m. third Monday, Tabitha at Prairie Commons, 3490 Ewoldt St. Hosted by Tabitha’s Bereavement experts to equip participants with the tools and resources needed to reinvest in life following the loss of a loved one. Information: Tabitha bereavement coordinator, 308-389-6002,;
TABITHA GRIEF GROUP – AURORA, 1:30 p.m. last Tuesday, United Methodist Church, 1104 A St., Aurora. Hosted by Tabitha’s Bereavement experts to equip participants with the tools and resources needed to reinvest in life following the loss of a loved one. Information: Tabitha bereavement coordinator, 308-389-6002,;
GRIEF MINISTRY, 2 to 3:30 p.m., first and third Sundays, Third City Christian Church, 4100 W. 13th St. in Grand Island. Information:
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE/SEXUAL ASSAULT SUPPORT GROUP, a group for those looking for empowerment and skill-building. This is a confidential and closed group. For meeting times and location, call 308-382-8250.
CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP FOR MEMORY CARE, an informal support group for friends and family members of those with dementia, fourth Tuesday, CountryHouse Residences, 833 Alpha St. (next to Regency Retirement). Two times available: 1 to 2 p.m. (in person) or 5 to 6 p.m. (via Zoom). Learn tips and techniques, along with helpful resources, to help your loved one from the team at CountryHouse. Information: Brenda Wiltfong, 308-381-1988 or
GRAND ISLAND PFLAG, 7 p.m. second Tuesday, YWCA, 211 E. Fonner Park Road. Group is dedicated to promoting the health and well-being of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people, their families and friends, through support, education and advocacy. PFLAG is not affiliated with any ethnic, religious or political group. Information: 308-390-6560.
HASTINGS/SOUTH CENTRAL PFLAG, 7:30 p.m. second Monday, First Congregational United Church of Christ, Seventh and Marion Road, Hastings (check the Facebook page for event posting and meeting details); in person and Zoom hybrid. Informal coffee and conversation, 11 a.m. first Saturday, Blue Moon Coffee Co., 635 W. Second St., Hastings.
MEN XCEL TOGETHER (MXT), a group of men gathering in a safe and non-judgmental place, mentoring other men to be become they best they can be, 7 p.m. Tuesdays, Resurrection Catholic Church, 4110 Cannon Road. Information: email or check the website at