GEORGE NEWS - Life Community Services held a thank you breakfast for its sponsors and supporters at Shofar Church on Thursday 6 March.
CEO Maryna de Vries in her feedback on events and projects said they have had a bustling start to 2025. No time was wasted during the first two months and the installation of a much-needed storm water system on the Life Village property kicked off.
Life has also held a successful team-building event at Carmel, hosted a group of 55 farmers visiting from the UK as well as two different missions teams, and had a back-to-school event with Eden Church where about 350 children received equipment and stationery for the new school year.
The first celebration service of the year was also held at Life Village where a church team was invited to run a fun, educational programme for the children.
De Vries said the storm water system is almost complete, but their resources are now exhausted and they desperately need support in this regard to finish the project. The system was a dire need as the property flooded when it rained.
She thanked their sponsors who, through their support, touch the lives of hundreds of children, helping them to grow up to a purposeful life.
Life Christian Academy Grade 1s gave a beautiful singing performance under the leading of worship leader Demzel Kennedy.
De Vries singled out Pastor Niklaas Manewil whose partnering with Life from its early days has had a drastic impact on young lives. Another invaluable partner of many years is Dr Herman Jordaan, who has "no strings or price tag attached" to the consultations and medication he provides for Life's children when overloaded clinics cannot help in emergencies.
Life has various continuous projects that help raise funds, such as the sales of a recipe book, pen sets, a wide range of Isipho handwork and their own coffee brand.
For more information, visit or phone the office on 044 873 6601.
Life Community Services CEO Maryna de Vries (left) with Dr Lindé Marais of the Harry Comay TB hospital and Dr Herman Jordaan.
Life secretary Mia Andries, Life Christian Academy principal Cindy Nortjé and office manager Liesbeth de Klerk.
Shofar senior pastor Amo O'Kennedy giving an introduction to the meeting.
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