Minnesota House to fill vacant seat in special election Tuesday

The Minnesota House floor sits half empty amid an ongoing boycott from the DFL
The Minnesota House floor sits half empty amid an ongoing boycott from the DFL(Quinn Gorham)
Published: Mar. 11, 2025 at 5:14 PM CDT
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SAINT PAUL, Minn. (GRAY) – Months after its representative-elect resigned, Minnesota’s House District 40B is finally holding a special election to fill the vacancy.

The vacant seat has been one of the most consequential elements of the legislative session thus far. Voters had elected the state House of Representatives into a tie in November, but the missing member meant DFLers would start the year with a one-vote disadvantage.

The DFL boycotted the opening weeks of the legislative session after Republican leadership said they were hoping to install themselves a full structural majority for the remainder of the two-year biennium. Regardless of whether the chamber returned to a tie, the DFL felt they had no assurance that the GOP would relinquish control of house committees and leadership.

Eventually, the two sides agreed upon a framework that brought the house into order: Republican Rep. Lisa Demuth (R-Cold Spring) would hold the speaker’s gavel, and Republicans would cede committee control to a tied structure when and if the chamber returned to a tie.

Republicans have been able to bring forward bills to the floor, but lack the 68 votes needed to pass anything.

After almost two months in the minority, the vacant house seat is set to be filled Tuesday night.

Either DFL candidate David Gottfried and Republican candidate Paul Wikstrom will fill the vacant seat.

If the Republican candidate wins, the party will have a full majority and the ability to pass bills for the next two years.

If the DFLer wins, the house will enter the pre-arranged power-sharing agreement.

Results are expected on Tuesday night.