What better way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in Las Vegas than to enjoy a live performance by a five- member Celtic band, widely celebrated for their innovative style? Luckily, Meadow City Academy of Music was tipped off about this ensemble’s plans to visit New Mexico in mid-March, and a performance date in Las Vegas was quickly secured. No, you don’t have to be Irish to attend, but we suggest wearing something green!
The Leger family has agreed to the proposal to honor the legacy of our recently lost outstanding musician, Steve Leger, through this special event. At this performance, we will also honor John Goodwin, KFUN radio host; local musician John Seaton; and Michael Wile, dedicated editor and proofreader for Meadow City Academy of Music.
The word “RUNA” means mystery or secret lore. It is a word that has both Celtic and Nordic roots, and has a related history to ancient runes. RUNA consists of vocalist and step-dancer, Shannon Lambert-Ryan of Philadelphia; GRAMMY-award nominated, Dublin-born guitarist Fionán de Barra; Cheryl Prashker of Canada on percussion; Jake James of New York on the fiddle; and Tom Fitzgerald of Canada on mandolin and vocals.
Shannon provided the following information: “The band originated in 2008 after Fionán and I recorded an album together (“Across the Pond”), and decided to tour the music together. We asked Cheryl to join us on percussion for a show in Philadelphia. At the end of the night, we all looked at each other and said, “Well, let’s do that again!”, and the rest is history! We performed for a few years as a trio (occasionally, with guest artists) and developed RUNA’s signature sound. Eventually, we grew into a quartet, and then a quintet. We have been touring with our current line-up for the past three years. Based on schedules and availability, we also rotate the two fiddle spots with additional musicians who work with RUNA consistently.
You won’t want to miss this exciting performance event. We are anticipating a large audience. Saturday, March 15, 7:30 p.m., Ilfeld Auditorium at NMHU. Tickets: $ 20, Students: Free. Tickets available online at www.meadowcitymusic.org. or at the door. Donations in honor of Steve Leger can also be made online. These funds will help to support talented Las Vegas youth studying music, and also the Novo Sonidos summer music camp (founded by Meadow City Academy of Music in 2022) at West Las Vegas school, conducted by Steve’s nephew Quintin Leger.
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