40 Days for Life

Bishop Frank J. Dewane joins many others in applauding Jeanne Berdeaux, the recently retired Respect Life Director of the Diocese of Venice, during a 40 Days for Life kick-off event in Sarasota March 3, 2025.

SARASOTA  |  Now is the time to stand up for life by actively participating in the spring 40 Days for Life peaceful prayer campaign in Naples, Fort Myers and Sarasota. The prayer campaign opened Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025, and runs through Palm Sunday, April 13.

40 Days for Life

Shawn Carney, president and CEO of 40 Days for Life, is seen in Sarasota March 3, 2025, during a 40 Days for Life kick-off event with Jeanne Berdeaux, recently retired Diocese of Venice respect Life director, and Tavia Ames, the newly appointed diocesan respect life director.

40 Days for Life

A woman stands vigil outside of the Planned Parenthood regional headquarters in Sarasota Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025, the opening of 40 Days for Life spring campaign.

40 days for Life is an international 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion mills. This year’s campaign is the biggest Lenten effort yet, with prayer vigils planned in 660 cities. The campaign encourages 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. There are opportunities to stand and peacefully pray during vigils in the public right-of-way outside Planned Parenthood abortion facilities in Naples, Fort Myers and Sarasota.

A kick-off event for Sarasota took place March 3, at the offices of Community Pregnancy Clinics Inc. The clinic is in the shadow of the regional headquarters of Planned Parenthood.

The event featured Bishop Frank J. Dewane, and Shawn Carney, president and CEO of 40 Days for Life. The opportunity was also taken to honor Jeanne Berdeaux, longtime Diocese of Venice Respect Life Director, who recently retired after 40 years of service.

In fact, Berdeaux was the catalyst behind 40 Days for Life coming to the Diocese of Venice in 2007, when the initiative went nationwide. Berdeaux also was responsible for expanding the prayer vigils to multiple locations in the Diocese for fall and spring campaigns, and she had the joy of witnessing two abortion facilities close down.

Bishop Dewane praised Berdeaux for her commitment to the Diocese of Venice and particularly to life issues for the past several decades, being the voice for life into the storm that tries to end the life of the unborn.

“I am grateful for those years and that long service you gave,” Bishop Dewane said. “We all know you did well all those years. You ended on the hardest, and the highest note (leading the fight to defeat Amendment 4, an extreme November 2024 ballot initiative that would have radically expanded access to abortion in Florida). Who you are, who you have become, what you have done, and what you have accomplished over the years in the Diocese – know that is great. It was a larger role you took on and you made a difference by carrying this message of life from one generation to the next.”

Carney said he remembers first hearing from Berdeaux in 2007 and was impressed by the depth of her Catholic faith, her enthusiasm, and her long history of experience in the Pro-Life movement, all of which she brought to 40 Days for Life.

“It is immeasurable to realize how many people are alive today because of your work – how many babies you have saved, and praise God for that.” Carney said. “We don’t know who we are saving when we save a baby – but the ones you saved are kindergarteners, and in high school, and are their own parents today. That is the legacy you leave for the rest of us to pick up and carry forward.”

Carney said the defeat of Amendment 4 by Florida voters in November 2024, as noted earlier, serves an example of what can be done when the people of a state stand up to fight for the unborn.

“Congratulations to you. The nation was watching. We will ride your victory to other states with the ultimate goal of ending abortion in all instances,” Carney added.

Since 40 Days for Life began, more than 25,000 mothers have chosen life for their children; 260 abortion workers have quit their jobs; and more than 150 abortion mills where 40 Days for Life vigils have been held have gone out of business. It was noted that the Sarasota campaigns have saved nearly 100 babies in just the past few years.

Check with your local Parish to learn the days they are committed to standing up for life in the public right-of way or at any time during the 40 Days campaign. Participants are encouraged to spend an hour, or even two, in silent prayer in front of a local abortion facility seeking an end to legalized abortion in the U.S. Recent victories to curb access to abortion in Florida are not the end of this fight, but a new beginning. 

Bishop Dewane offered the opening prayer for a successful 40 Days for Life campaign. “We ask Our Lord to continue to give all the courage to speak up on this issue; to give us all the strength to continue to ask others to be part of this necessity that we are called to do as men and women of God. We are grateful for the success we have realized, as You continue to journey with us and protect us along the way.”

The 40 Days for Life spring campaign prayer vigil schedule and locations within the Diocese of Venice are as follows:

• Sarasota — 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. daily, 736 Central Ave. Visit https://www.40daysforlife.com/en/sarasota

• Naples - 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Monday thru Saturday, 1425 Creech Road. Visit https://www.40daysforlife.com/en/naples.

• Fort Myers - 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Monday thru Saturday, 6418 Commerce Park Drive. Visit https://www.40daysforlife.com/en/fortmyers.

For information about the pro-life movement in the Diocese of Venice, contact Tavia Ames, Diocese of Venice Respect Life director, at 941-484-9543, or at ames@dioceseofvenice.org. Visit www.dioceseofvenice.org/respectlife

New Diocesan Respect Life Director

Tavia Ames has joined the Diocese of Venice as Director of Respect Life. Ames brings with her diverse experience in media/marketing, special events, management, and business relationships. Her family lives in Sarasota and two of her children attend Incarnation Catholic School and one is at Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School. She is very passionate for Right to Life and the Protection of Human Life from conception to natural death. She volunteers locally at Incarnation School and Parish. Ames holds a bachelor’s degree in science from Florida State University. 

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